31 August 2012

Tír na nÓg

Dear Dr. Bones,

[new] The Clint Eastwood Revelation

Last night Mr. Romney tried their best to put a good face on their intentions. Mr. Romney peered into the audience and camera and promised jobs, a strong America, and a decent life. But for whom? The answer showed up in the “secret guest,” Clint Eastwood. Steve Schmidt on MSNBC tried to wipe it away by reminding the TV viewers that the movie star was 82 years old. We know better than that. Mr. Romney’s oath to revive America does not extend to everyone. Even those who sung his praises as a business person or as a humane person belonged only to certain tribes. You had to be a member of the Church of LDS and not deviate form its dogma, you were struggling and not poor, top associates in his business world, a community member traveling in similar circles. No evidence that there is help coming if you are poor, struggle with behavioral issues, or if you are female that you get any recognition of needed rights. In short his tolerance only goes so far. As a more global scale his jingoistic talk should disturb anyone. There is a complete lack of responsibility of what caused this nation’s economic and social woes and as part of the problem he rejects that his business world had anything to do with it. He was successful and made lots of money, that’s what counts. He is the proverbial wolf in sheep’s clothing.

oetkb @ Fri 31 Aug 5:45 AM

Considered as the poster boy for American Decline, however,

(( fold here ))

as an emblem of everything that "America's Throwback Team" would like to throw us back to -- though of they won't be able to -- there is quite a lot to be said for Citizen Clint.

I wonder, though, what Fabulous Fernie Fehrnstrom

or any similar high-up Republicanine ‘operative’ makes of it? Paddy McTammany's views on how to win friends and influence voters are not to be taken seriously, yet even an ignoramus can ask an occasional question. In this case, "Your freelordship, ¿What appeal, exactly, was that sideshow supposed to have for members of either the female or the Blacks-and-Tans community?"

American Decline is herself nonpartisan.

Almost certainly, therefore, Fernie an' the b'hoys will be able to get some mileage out of portrayin' us donkeys as the Geezer Defense League, who only want to tell wicked, demonizin' fibs about how Citizen Clint's Medicare--¡even his monthly pension from the Ponzi Security Administration!--would lapse into great an’ imminent peril, should the POTUS of us all not be reëlected.

Since Paddy (who date from 06 October 1945 and even have the papers to prove it) has been sucking at those twin Fedguv teats meself for a couple of years now, I suppose one should be flattered to find that the pols of all persuasions have agreed that Clint and I are really "What America looks like." However attractive obsolescence may look, though, especially when skillfully packaged for delivery via the MacL@@han Tuba, it certainly does not feel all that great. Rarely has better free advice been given an ignored than "Don't ever get old!"

Here is a good test of Mr. Blake's "to generalise is to be an idiot." ¿Was Paddy being an idiot?, then, when I just got struck by the idea that a gerontocentric politics is among the features that one certainly should have -- but as usual did not -- expect American Decline to include.

I am for our team, right or wrong. That, after all, is what "McTammany" MEANS Nevertheless, I sincerely think that we do our gerontocracy better than America's Otherparty do theirs. With us, those not gifted at the moment with senesence/senility may look forwards to qualifying for it (¡and its rewards from Uncle Sam!) at a latter date.

The Smirk of Janesville, on the other hand, in the "Thirty-Year Plan for OnePercenter Ascendancy" that he keeps tryin' to market as a Fedguv budget for whatever FY happens to be next, envisions a split-level genrontocracy. Only those born before 1958 (were SmirkCare™ to be promptly enacted in 2013, which is not likely, even if Mittius Coriolanus Pompo makes it), would get all the bennies. Latecomers would be decidedly second-class gerontocrats. Forever. [1] [2]

Assuming that gerontocentricity is unavoidable under conditions of American Decline, clearly the good guys would do it better. However, Paddy and Eye are not yet willing to admit that unavoidableness. Possibly no previous set of Decline victims has actually managed to avoid such gracelessness, but there is always a first time, ¿no? Moreover, unlike, say, the Madrileños of 1650, we possess a couple of centuries' worth of Social Scientism. Unlike our ignorant ancestors, we can at least recognize the edge of a cliff after we fall off it. Maybe even shortly before we fall off. [3]

[1] Naturally with a Peruna like that to flog, the Otherparty cannot bark an bellow loud enough about how ‘divisive’ Barák Husâyn O’Bama and the whole "Democrat Party" are, what vile underminers of opportunity.

[2] Dear Kruggie really nailed the bustards for once this morning:

[T]he promise of unchanged benefits for Americans of a certain age just isn’t credible. Think about the political dynamics that would arise once someone born in 1956 still received full Medicare while someone born in 1959 couldn’t afford decent coverage. Do you really think that would be a stable situation? For sure, it would unleash political warfare between the cohorts — and the odds are high that older cohorts would soon find their alleged guarantees snatched away.

(( Kruggie is not 100% sound on American Decline, which, properly factored in, turns these ‘odds’ around. In fact, the ‘cohorts’ of Tír na nÓg would be clobbered badly. ))

[3] That is a qualified of expurgated ‘we’: anybooby who cannot spot Anthropogenic Global Warming at ten paces in the afternoon of a late August day will sincerely have no trouble believin' that to speak of "American Decline" is not just factually mistaken an’ ethically immoral, but positively self-contradictory. "¿What do you mean, this is not the top? ¿WE are here, aren't we?" &c. &c.

29 August 2012

Funnin' It with Fatsoe

Dear Dr. Bones,

After composing what follows, Paddy and Eye decided that most of it would only perplex the Fehrnstrom Fishwrap Fan Club, and so did not pass along to the kiddiecons everything after "the Smirk of Janesville" and before our little ditty for His Immense:

What kind of nogoodnik grouch wants to poop the Rio Limbaugh doo-doo by dragging in a dead cat like "a national and an international regulatory scheme" just as the merry revelers at America's Otherparty are gettin into full swing?

There will be time for all that eye-glaze, and much more, once Mittius Coriolanus Pompo -- "Demander of Apologies, ..., Stepmaster to Rafalca, ..., Possessor of the Golden Birth Certificate, " &c. &c. -- has actually taken US over. Not unassisted ably, as Paddy McTammany ventures to anticipate, by the Smirk of Janesville.

'Tis not as if American Decline will suddenly rush off to a forgotten appointment in Samarra, you know. PLENTY of time, we shall have, whole decades and degenerations, centuries maybe, in which to moan and grovel on the economic dungheap, weaving straw into the Homeland ic hair. Only to find there is no market even for so characteristic a modern yankeefacture as the hairstraw shirt. For nowadays, even hairstraw can be produced much cheaper in Cathay and in Ormuzd and in Ind.

"After me, the deluge," predicted little Louie, son of Big Louie.

Deluge Isaac, however, has chosen to visit concurrently with His GardenStatist Excellency's stemwinder, whatever that coincidence may signify. Probably it does not signify "the second time as farce," exactly, though if there be any vulgar Marxists left, betcha they will indeed have the poor taste to dust off that wheeze from 1799/1852 and see if they can get if off the runway this time around. "Hey there, Charlie Brown, kicked any good footballs lately?"

'Mittens' Romney, an The Smirk, even Citizen Chris (blood pressure and sudden cerebral events once firmly put out of mind) do have their light side as well as their whight side, no doubt about it, but nothing that amounts to 'farcical'. Or even comes close.

So, then, come along, sir, the only decent thing to do this unlovely morning is sing along with the selfservative kiddies, an their Kiddiemasters, an their Kiddiemasters' Firstlords--with the Fearless Funders of Freedumb on high, an, down to earth, with all the Jay School fruits an frathouse babes over to _The Fehrnstrom Fishwrap_--in honor of The Otherparty's much-to-be-esteemed Keynoter:

For he's a jowly good fellow!,
For he's a Jowly good fellow!!,
For he's a JOWLY good fellow!!!,
As nobooby can deny.

Happy days.-- P. A. McT.

P.S. To deliberately overshoot Louisedayhicksville a bit, if one may: the late Mr. Auden spoke of Rainer Maria Rilke as "he Santa Claus of loneliness. (Hmmm. Should not that have been "the Father Exmas of loneliness"? Must be late Auden, then, generally reragrded as inferior.)

Be that as it may, Party Neocomrade (second grade) C. J. Christie, Jr., Esq., Satrap of Neojersey, might usefully be engaged by some eagle-foresighted Corporate Citizeness to portray, in his political retirement, The Santa Claus of American Decline.(Pat. Pend.) on festive occasions.

And why not on analytical occasions as well?  His Excellency has only the semi-education of a cut-rate shyster, to be sure, but ..............

St. Bridget of the Lace Curtain, who mostly does business as "Marjorie Eagan," just remarked on WKKK-FM 96.9, Boston an Rio Limbaugh, that her principal thought whilst watchin' His Obesity perform was to worry that H. O. might drop dead on the spot.

Comrade Braude, being sensible as well as male, pooh-poohed this admirably pious an charitable baloney. Poetic justice is rarely that poetic. Were somebody to tell us that such a thing had actually occured, we should at once assume her to be a huckstress out to huck The Memoirs of Rabbi Ben Trovato.

Speaking of "such a thing," the received account of the Death of Arius, in Mr. Gibbon and others, has always seemed a little suspicious for this reason to Paddy and Eye. Let us know if you disagree.

Happy days.

28 August 2012

Hodie mihi, cras Howie

Dear Dr. Bones,

Hodie mihi, cras Howie.

Howard Lawrence Lewis (an/or "Howard Louis Laurence") runs a Death Pool, so for his freelordship to make these little nursin-house jokes is low-level professional practice, like a pianist playing scales and arpeggio(e)s. Not like, say, Howie eatin his political peas with a knife just to rile the H*rv*rds.

Still, Time and Dr. Alzheimer and ... what's-his-name? ... will not be making special exceptions just because nobody can find the whight birth certificate. His freelordship is already in the sixty-first year of his exemplary self-existence, 'exemplary' assuming one prefers that sort of example. And "self-" because of course Massa Howie built himself from scratch, utterly undefiled by Affirmative Action. Or the laws of physics. Or . . . .

It is worth pointing out, though not here, that his freelordship is already too closely subsenile to be able to look forwards to SmirkCare, properly speakin. The premium-support or voucher scheme will only create the medical happiness of those under the age of fifty-five at (I presume) the date of its enactment. (Which may Father Zeus forfend!)

Like it or not, then, on the dark day when Massa Howie finally totters into the nursin house himself personally, we the taxpayers will be robbed to pay the dole. Doubtless his freelordship will NOT like it, DOUBTLESS his freelordship will protest vehemently that he would much rather those who worked all their lives, played by the rules, yimmer yammer, never asked for a yada, should not have to fund the senility an imbecility of H. L. L. Carr. But protest won't do his freelordship any good, I fear, for these arrangements are not left up to the whim of the individual geezer. And that won't change even when the Smirk of Janesville becomes dictator in its own whight, startin in January 2021 after Mittius Coriolanus Pompo has been carted out to pasture with Lady Rafalca. At that point, his freelordship will have been suckin at the Fedguv trough for at least four years, probably rather more.

H. L. L. Carr
(( H. L. L. Carr ))

Meanwhile his freelordship seems a little neglectful of his own groupies, who consist chiefly (IOAO) of the circle of Archie Bunker's crusty greatuncle, you know, the one who still had the Gaelic back before that mean Dr. Alsoranner finally took it away from him (along with most of the English) sometime about 1937.

Paddy and Eye have no idea where the cuttin-edge brat pack -- THE Bestembrightest, as his ladyship was forever flatterin em -- have gone now that they cannot sip (chaw?) tee putty with

Jasonne, Duchesa di Sanseverino-Wellsley
(( Jasonne, Duchessa Sanseverino-Wellesley ))

every weekday afternoon at 1500 hours.. WRKO AM 680 is not likely to be the younger degeneration's new Mecca.

Kind of a pity that La Sanseverino won't be available to explain to Paddy and Eye, as the Great G.O.P. G-hod of 1433 (the former 2012) climaxes, exactly what Fabulous Fernie would do next for Coriolanus Pompo an Senator Fratboy -- if only poor Fernie were half as bestembright as her lordship is himself. As the degenerated have been informed many times, Wendell Wilkie would not be where he is now, was it not for Il Sanseverina.

Eye digresses. Though not more than his freelordship does, draggin in Alcalde Antonio Ramón Villaraigosa (nacido Antonio Ramon Villar el 23 de enero de 1953) .

He's got us doing it too. Talk about 'exemplary'!

Happy days.

Ordinarily, Dr. Bones, we would not waste your time and the Muses’ with anything dredged up from so far down in the e-gutter of reaction as The Fehrnstrom Fishwrap.

This morning, though, it appears that the Thought Police are out in force. In fact, after the peanuts started wonderin’ in subsequent posts why one of their number, supposedly innocent, had been clobbered, the ideocops cleared the whole gallery so we are back to "(0) comments" on a silly scribble concerning which there had been more than fit on one page an hour or two earlier. (( The time is now [08/28/2012 06:01] -- obviously everything of this sort has to be datestamped carefully. ))  (( UPDATE [08/28/2012 06:14] -- two comments, both from the same peanut, one ‘j5truth’ )) 

So Paddy and Eye hope you won't mind holding on to this item for us just in case it evaporates over where it fits in.

On a related front, we have been making progress with our research into the mysterious behavior of the Heraldic whightware.  Just now we established that simply changing "Ramón" to Ramo'n" made the whole of the above McScribble acceptable to the mechanical branch of the Th. P. Naturally a more humanoid neocensor could probably work out eventually that it comes to the same thing.

On the other hand, perhaps it does not.   Presumably your echt crimmigrant or criminalien or ‘Spaniard’ would never in a million moons resort to our far-fetched and klutzy orthography, so in a certain sense the whightists did indeed manage to keep out the Indocumetado language, which Paddy and Eye were, of course, rather citing from a distance than actually deploying.

Next on the e-genda is to find out whether the Thought Police dig gràvès, to which Indocumentol happens not to run.

Moreover, we mean to take a look at the whightists’ shysters’ own "Terms an Conditions" for peanut-gallery peanuts,  to see whether "¡DOGS and SPANISH need not apply¡" would be permissible if *we* barked it.

Happy days.

P.S.  The way we are headed, the smûggled circumfl'e'x will be rather ridiculous than sublime.

26 August 2012

(( idols, icons ))

[1] For those of them at Rio Limbaugh, plus everybooby demented by the dulcet strains of the MacL@@han T@@ba, Eye thinks we had better assign idols to the various items in H. M. E.'s ever-expandin’ formal style. So, then:

Mighty Wielder
(( Mighty Wielder of Percentages ))

Each idol can be linked to a prose explanation for grown-ups. In this case, to the complete transcript of H. M. E.'s ever-immortal Geheimvorrede.

Baincapper Extraordinaire
(( Baincapper Extraordinaire, ))

Great Patroniser of Public Transport

(( Patroniser of All Progressive Public Transport ))


¡Look Who’s in the Tank for Mittens!

Paddy McTammany set out behind the pet g@@gle in quest of today's Bosstown (NY) Globe, I really did, ¡Eye swears it! --so as to keep oneself in due compliance with Kravitz, Esq., by having read all about how exotic, out-of-commonwealth journalism reads the mind of Mittius Coriolanus Pompo, Demander of Apologies, Master of Seamus, Stepmaster to Rafalca, Baincapper Extraordinaire, Possessor of the Golden Birth Certificate [1], &c. &c. &c.

But a funny thing happened on one’s way to the e-kiosk, one was suddenly floored by stumbling over ... over ... well ... like ... Yoo knows ... kinda ... uh ...

Amazombies for  Romney
"Words fail me, my Lords. Nothing that I might [scribble] could possibly match the depths of my feelings in this matter."


UPDATE [08/26/2012 16:01] -- Eventually one gets over almost anything. The above document is to be titled "Amazombies for Romney." And while Eye was putting names to idols and icons and graven images, it seemed not amiss to revisit an old friend:

Allegator Tears
(( Allegator Tears ))

Happy days.

Oh, by the way, some of us geezers can still remember back to a whole different kind of tank narrative:

Dukakidoid Days
(( Dukakidoid Days ))
[1] That last bit is a fresh addition to His Excellency's ever-expandin’ formal style.

Technically, the wording perhaps ought to run "Possessor of the Certificate of Golden Birth," but it would take a lot of fuss to explain why Heinrich von Kissinger, for example, has only a Silver or Bronze Certificate, the POTUS of us all, one of lead or maybe SillyPutty.

The Scraper Scraped

¿Why is this baloney here?

(( fold here ))

Freedame Seascraper the RedClashist

(( ¿¡Kikunomics?! [0] ))

Seventeen hours of stubborn silence is enough, I think, to establish that mainstream Blue Class Groupies do not propose even to nibble at it, and neither does Paddy McTammany, actually, who stand poised a couple of paragraphettes back from the brink of a metadiscourse.

First, though, comes the WHY question simpliciter: what can goodvolks like Freedame Seascraper be thinkin’ ’bout when they ‘borrow’ three hundred and fourteen (314) pearly words -- "1,610 (non-space) characters" -- from a great sage [1] of America’s Otherparty an’ toss ’em out in front of swine an’ donkeys with no explanation. ¿Without so much as a WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! PIG! SOOIE!

It is not as if there were some obvious public occasion, say news that Geithner von Hindenburg and Bernanke von Ludendorff are thinking of advising the All Highest to make jello, or possibly slinkies, legal tender in the Heimatland G*ttes.

Mittius Coriolanus Pompo, Demander of Apologies, Master of Seamus, Stepmaster to Rafalca, Baincapper Extraordinaire, Possessor of the Golden Birth Certificate, ... ¿perhaps in this context one may reverently add "Vanquisher of Land-Based Auditors" to His Excellency’s received style? ... &c. &c. dreams of a steady-state--nay, ¿why not a deflationary?--Universe at least three times every night, but the great thing is, Coriolanus Pompo keeps his avarice’s dreams strictly to himself. (Well, pretty strictly. One certainly have to admit that H. E. is tryin’ not to disclose.)

Despite the dread-inspiring M.B.A. from the H*rv*rd Victory School, Coriolanus Pompo is probably not in fact scheming to be the New McKinley or the Mark II Hanna. Like another distinuished H*rv*rd-Y*rd Republicanine from not too long ago, the Herr Prof. Dok. Heinrich von Kissinger, Coriolanus Pompo firmly believes that what Amerika needs is not so much this policy or that as that policy-makin’ be placed in the whight hands, in the hands of One Who will work whighteousness. It is not hard in either case to guess what that would comes to if crudely spelled out. Still, ‘Hank’ an’ ‘Mittens’ are not interchangable volks. The good Doktor , after all, notoriously failed to possess a Certificate of Golden Birth, bein’ stuck, ¡Life is unfair!, with more like a bronze.

To express the same thing another way, Coriolanus Pompo does not simply want policy-makin’ concentrated in his own personal paws. That arrangement will have to do temporarily for a start, no doubt, but for the long haul what Amerika needs is to be ruled by a whole Class that is whighteous collectively. Like ‘we’ used to be back in Ye Goode Olde Dayes. Bein’ a foreigner, naturally Dr. Kissinger knew little und cared less about our sort of YGOD. His own version of the product prominently featured a certain

Count Metternich by Lawrence
(( Klemens Wenzel Lothar Fürst von Metternich-Winneburg zu Beilstein ))

In the absence of any idol or icon, I suspect your moderately gifted guesser could guess correctly from that john-hancock that H. E. would prove to not look a great deal more like Amerika than Baràk Husâyn O’Báma, to pick an exotic specimen at random, looks like Amerika. (( Leucodermatitis is a necessary, but far from a sufficient, indicator for LLA Syndrome. ))

Mme. la baronne de Seascraper could plausibly maintain that I have inadvertently been bolstering the freeladytlike goldbuggery, as follows: assuming (as Paddy and Eye do assume), that Coriolanus Pompo looks forwards to establishin’, not just himself an’ Seamus an’ Rafalca an’ the rest of the Serene House of Romney, in seats of power, but rather at a TopPercenter Ascendancy that shall endure, would not a national currency strictly linked to the Avogadro number (or possibly to the Planck constant) be just the thing? If The ©lassmates could be perfectly sure that there portfolioes will be worth as much, or maybe just a tad more, three hundred years from now as they were at NYSE closing time last Friday, ¿Would not The ©lassmates be in a position to spend far more time worryin’ about the whighteousness of the Yank Republic? Whatever the secret-sector consequences in particular cases, all the time that goodvolks like M. Coriolanus Pompo spend conferrin’ with their brokers, an’ their C.P.A.’s, an’ their blind (or sighted) trustees, &c. &c. are can scarcely be said to create any public happiness worthy of note.

The obvious objection is that most ©lassmates would probably just seize the opportunity to mess about more in boats, plus get in some extra golf an’ poloe an’ maybe even AstroTurf™baggin’.

Of which the obvious response ("Hey, ¿it’s a free country, innit?") sufficiently disposes. Those who agitprop for America’s Otherparty have lately taken to rehearsin’ completely ridiculous ideas of the Psocialism advocated by us jennies and jackasses: as if we propose to lock M. Coriolanus Pompo, and Messrs. les Frères Koch, and Freelord Trump of Jersey Shiore, and Tio Ruperto (when his firstlordship is in the country), and lesser ©lassmates in a pen and threaten to cut off their supply of pre-owned carrots and turnips if their freelordships do not keep their noses to the jobcreationist grindstone absolutely without a break. Plain plebes and proles don’t mind if Ebb Scrooge an’ Ollie Warbucks takes the occasional day off from scroogin’ an’ warbuckin’. If they did object, ’twould be like Reynard reprimanding the huntin’ and shootin’ people on Airstrip One for honouring Boxing Day by staying home inside their stately houses.

Proles and plebes don’t much mind not being hunted. "The Middle Class" Paddy and Eye are not so sure about, but then we admittedly have no idea what, if anybody, The Middle Class™ may be, exactly. (( ¡Golly! ¿Do you suppose TMC™ might be Freedame Seascraper an’ her mates, if there be any mates, an’ her ideobuddies? ))

[0] The wingnut quotee appears to have reversed the two syllables of "kooky" an’ then neospelled a little, presumably so as to assure everybooby that his stuff is sterlin’ indeed.

His freelordship’s wingnutette quoter may not be quite so sure: Mme. la baronne omitted to supply the link, which suggests to the low minds of Paddy and Eye that the bits not swiped may contain some really delightful goofiness.

[1] Conceivably her freeladyship is attemptin’ to win more recognition for the Great Sage. One fears "Nathan Lewis of New World Economics" is not a name many sorcerers conjure with on a regular basis.

25 August 2012

Agitprop for Dunmmies Chapter XIII: Quotation & Context

Dear Dr. Bones,

The Blue Blazers’ taste in trolls does not much commend itself to Paddy and Eye, though of course one must bear in mind that the unjoo-bito do not get down here under the cloud deck often enough to know whight-wingers the way we know whight-wingers.

Anyhow, the current illiberal antidemocrat not from Waltham, call him "John D. Geckefeller XIV," condescended to recommend a Party potboiler to Their Worships, completely disregardin’ such well-thought-out adverse opinions as the following:

Voice of the People v. "Mallory Factor"

(( fold here ))

(( Demoncratic Vista ))
2 of 18 people found the following review helpful
1.0 out of 5 stars PANDERING AND ONE-SIDED, August 24, 2012
By Chris - See all my reviews
This review is from: _Shadowbosses: Government Unions Control America and Rob Taxpayers Blind_ (Hardcover)

Yes, there are problems with unions, and this book takes a look. But Gvmt Employee unions are not destroying our country. There are many factors contributing to the corruption of our government. Instead of looking at the top-down problem, this book focuses on unions as though John Birch himself was the author. If you believe that communism is still a threat to America... If you believe that capitalism is incapable of corruption... If you believe the Republican Party would save America from misguided liberals if only the unions would get out of the way, this is your book. Then again, if you believe the problems in America are more complex than that, pass... Don't waste your time.

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1 of 17 people found the following review helpful
1.0 out of 5 stars MORE FAILED RIGHT-WING TRIPE, August 24, 2012
By MrObvious - See all my reviews
This review is from: _Shadowbosses: Government Unions Control America and Rob Taxpayers Blind_ (Hardcover)

This book is nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt by conservatives to bury their enemies in a mountain of lies.
If that's what you're looking for, save the money and just tune the radio to Rush Limbaugh.

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15 of 67 people found the following review helpful
1.0 out of 5 stars RIGHT WING MOUTHPIECES, August 23, 2012
By M. Powers "Music Expert" (Rochester, New York United States) - See all my reviews
This review is from: _Shadowbosses: Government Unions Control America and Rob Taxpayers Blind_ (Hardcover)

All you have to do is look at all the right wing nuts who love this book. Malkin, Hannity, and all the rest are anti-labor and anti-free thought. DON'T BUY THIS BOOK!

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Your honours, the persecution rests.

Happy days.

23 August 2012

Local Microbe Goes Viral

¡Not to condemn even Bozo the Sassenach unheard!

I Must Be Doing Something Right In Ireland

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

On George Hook’s show Friday, I debated Labor Party Deputy Michael D. Higgins—affectionately known to his supporters as “Michael Dee.” He, in turn, gave me my own pet name:


Specifically, Deputy Higgins accused me of being “a wanker who’s just whipping up fear.” Fear of the massive debt the US has added since Obama took office, fear of our inability to pay for the monstrous ObamaCare system that’s already failed the “won’t add a single nickel to the deficit” test, fear of whackjob Islamists who use murder to pursue their aims, etc. etc.

I find it completely rational to have some fear—or at the least grave concern—over all these things. But the Deputy, a far-lefty, disagreed in the strongest possible terms.

Now, regular listeners to the show know I get called far worse than “wanker” on a regular basis. So I barely noticed it. My response to the Deputy’s comment was to apologize to the audience.

“I know a lot of you tuned in to hear a right-wing nut spew ignorant, uninformed insults,” I said, “but unfortunately Deputy Higgins beat me to it.”

What’s interesting has been the reaction from the NewsTalk listeners. Some of them are absolutely outraged. Deputy Higgins has an official position in Irish government and, they feel, it was unacceptable language for him to use. Several listeners were so outraged that they attended my tea-party meeting in Dublin today specifically to apologize to me on behalf of the Irish people and let me know how offended (_sic_) they found his comments.

Personally, I found Deputy Higgins’ weak logic and unwillingness to acknowledge facts far more bothersome than the name calling. But once again, I’m a conservative talk host in America, so I’m used to being insulted by government officials.

I’ll leave it to the Irish to decide if the Deputy’s comments were out of line. Regardless, I am grateful for those who’ve risen to my defense.

And a proud, American “wanker.”

Okay, NOW you may condemn.

Chez McTammany

'Tis not often that the Irish Times link next to Paddy McTammany's e-gloo actually get used, so, presuming on your kind indulgence,

Higgins Tea Party smackdown goes viral
Thu, Aug 23, 2012

A two-year-old YouTube clip, of President Michael D Higgins debating with a US conservative talkshow host and Tea Party advocate has gone viral.

The clip has been viewed approximately 200,000 times in the past 48 hours and Mr Higgins is garnering much positive reaction from US-based users of social media sites.

In the 2010 Newstalk radio clip, the then Labour TD Michael D Higgins tells talkshow host Michael Graham to “be proud to be a decent American rather than being just a w**ker whipping up fear.”

Mr Higgins said Graham was using the same tactics as former Conservative vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin “to get a large crowd, whip them up, try and discover what is the greatest fear, work on that and feed it right back and you get a frenzy”.

Much spike in traffic was generated after the clip was linked on social media sharing site Upworthy with the headline: “A Tea Partier Decided To Pick A Fight With A Foreign President. It Didn't Go So Well.”

Posting a link to the clip in the past 24 hours, Mansur Gidfar of Upworthy wrote: “Michael D. Higgins (who was elected President of Ireland last year) is fed up with over-the-top Tea Party rhetoric, and he isn't afraid to show it. Listen to him call out radio host Michael Graham on everything from health care to foreign policy. Trust me, you don't want to miss this one”

Mr Higgins' comments have garnered much reaction online, particularly among US tweeters, some of whom are calling the clip a “Tea Party smackdown”.

The clip “Michael D Higgins vs Michael Graham” is taken from a debate between Michael D Higgins and Michael Graham on foreign affairs broadcast on George Hook’s programme The Right Hook on Newstalk in 2010. The clip was originally uploaded in February.

Graham hosts a show on a Boston radio station 96.9 WTK (_sic_), is a former political consultant for the Conservative party (¿huh?) and has published a book on the Tea Party movement. He was one of the earliest organisers for the Tea Party.

Reacting to the popularity of the clip Graham tweeted today: “If opposing Arab terrorists and supporting Israel’s right to self defense still means I’m a 'w**ker', nothing’s changed".

Broadcaster George Hook tweeted today: “Glad to hear people enjoyed the debate between President Higgins and Michael Graham although it should be remembered it was two years ago”.

The hits on the video stand at over 430,000 but a spokeswoman for Google was unable to release any further information on the number of views.

Happy days.

Bottom, Bottom, ¿Who's Got My Intellectual Bottom™ ... [0] ...?

Dear Dr. Bones,

Among pro scribblers about the Spiritual [1] History of Greater Europe, it is, or used to be, a commonplace that after a few centuries have elapsed, ‘our’ ancestors’ ding-dong intramural set-tos become unintelligible at the hormonic or unbewusste or so-called ‘intuitive’ level: ¿How, after all, are ‘we’ to sympathize sincerely -- not to speak of ‘enthusiastically’ -- with either BigEndians or LittleEnders, now that poached and scrambled between them have entirely conquered The Magic Market?

Like alchemy and phrenology and Methodism, even Chicagonomics, these FFWW, Famous Fusses of the Western World, still possess a gigantic bibliography that will endure for ages to come [1] and can easily be resorted to by Dr. Dryasdust and Perfesser iGlaze at a purely conscious and cognitive level. Provided, naturally, that one does not require anything more exciting for tenure in Tert. Ed. than a modicum of eye powder, sometimes a tad slightin’ly referred to as "Fordian Bunk,"

Henry Ford slept here
(( Henry Ford slept here ))

CBO says “Fiscal cliff” is coming, recession, 9%+ unemployment…

johnd | Wed, Aug 22, 2012 10:08 PM EST

The director of the Congressional Budget Office, Douglas Elmendorf, said Wednesday that currently planned sharp cuts in spending and increases in taxes at the end of the year would cause “a dramatic reduction in the federal deficit” and “a significant tightening of fiscal policy” which would “probably lead to a recession early next year.”

Analysts refer to this as the “fiscal cliff.”

President Barack Obama and Congress face the question of whether to step back from the fiscal cliff by not allowing the current tax rates to expire at year end and by postponing the spending curbs mandated by last summer’s Budget Control Act.

Before year end, Congress must also decide whether to allow a 27 percent cut in Medicare payments to doctors to take effect – as required by a 1997 budget law — or whether to put it off, as it has done for the past several years.

SO… unless these morons in Congress do something, we’ll have another recession, 9%+ unemployment and Americans may not be able to handle it well. How do you think Doctors will react to a 27% cut in Medicare payments? I can a lot of Doctors not taking Medicare patients any more.

What’s going to happen?

Recommend 0
3 Comments [3 new] . Leave a comment below.

[new] Depends what the GOP does, in large part

Since they are the ones who created this manufactured crisis in the first place. If they would just be sensible, adopt comprehensive health care reform with a public option, or even better Medicare for All, and embrace stimulus spending, we’d have been out of this recession a long time ago, and well on our way to restoring fiscal health to the national economy overall. The GOP created this “economic crisis” under Bush, and they are the main reason it has been sustained.

Bob_Neer @ Thu 23 Aug 12:18 AM

[new] They will

as long as it doesn’t mandate abortion and IVF and genetic engineering and cloning and all the other controversial things. Trade same-sex reproduction for a public option. Ball is in your court.

dont-get-cute @ Thu 23 Aug 1:49 AM


Bad Behavior has blocked 21005 access attempts in the last 7 days


Happy days.



[0] A running title long enough to exhibit Twainian perspective after the manner of Century XII-XVII-LIII no doubt can be tarted up in HTML soo as to look tolerably acceptable, but we prefer not to spare the research time just at present. So please imagine that we called this one

"Bottom, Bottom, ¿Who's Got That Intellectual Bottom™ Product that the little lady from THE Big University

E. X. Warrenbuffet (left) with u/i H*rv*rd
(( E. H. Warrenbuffet (left) collaged with H*rv*rd colleague ))

Graciously Recommended to Everybody Just the Other Day?"

[1] ¿Where are the (literal) bookworms when they might really do some good? And the tapeworms? And the CD/DVD worms? And . . . ?

[2 Paddy and Eye are thinking of die Geistesgeschichte Grosseuropas, you understand. All of it ‘superstructure’ for your Unreformed Marxist, meaning NOT meat-and-productivity economic, yet of little or no special interest to First-Estater Revs or ecclesiatical hack pols. If you like, feel free to think of ‘our’ former religionism as Dean Swift thought of the Hen of Lilliput and all Her productions.

The ever-immortal Hen of Plato, on the other hand, is still alive and rather too well for our taste, Paddy and Eye being, as you know, disciples of The Master of WYSIWYG and therefore averse to Parmenidism and Leostraussianity and everything similar in between.

21 August 2012

... the best lack Intellectual Bottom™, while the worst [0] . . .

Dear Dr. Bones,

In this episode, our common bluecquaintance, the Patroniser of Public Transport, spots an opportunity to dynamite himself some fish in a barrel.  And promptly takes it:

(R) for Rationalization
charley-on-the-mta | Mon, Aug 20, 2012 11:29 PM EST

This very thought occured to me. A tweet by Bill McKibben:

feeling more sympathetic to GOP: if how babies get made is hard for you, I guess climate science really might be too tough to follow

And let’s remember that Rep. Akin is on the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. Gulp.

So, here’s how these things go. Let’s keep a good deal of There But For The Grace Of God Go I about this …

* Rep. Akin believes Life Begins At Conception — that every zygote, every embryo, every fetus is a full human being, possessing moral status, and any abortion is murder.

* And then he’s made to answer a question about whether the case of rape might allow for abortion.

* But a zygote as a product of rape is every bit as innocent as that created in the confines of marriage! So that can’t be allowed.

*Akin understands on some level, however, that there must be consideration for a rape victim who did not wish to become a mother. (Internal conflict is brewing: Cognitive dissonance!)

Through the magic of rationalization, Akin decides that such pregnancies can’t really exist! Conflict resolved! Whew!

There’s a good deal more than that, to which we shall perhaps eventually get. Meanwhile, the Eyetalics and the blackface above are His Worship's own.  These banausic things seem to Paddy and Eye to form part and parcel of the Worshipful notion of how the lower orders think. At very least, they convey potentially significant inflections of the Worshipful voice as it struggles to grok the mental Umwelt of the less expensively educated: ¡Yoo wouldn't wanna miss ’em either way!

Still at the low, mechanical level, the Worshipful header looks to Eye like an unhappy mating of "‘R’ is for 'Rationalization'" with "Rx for Rationalization."   If the much-esteemed PPT privately ranks his students, and his peasants, and the service in spas and restaurants, on an A-to-Z scale, Eye supposes it could be that he assigns Representative Aking a letter grade of ‘R’ [1] in biology. Yet it is not likely that even a Day One Blue Blazer would tacitly assume general familiarity with so un-Homeland™ic a system. [2]

In theory, "(R)" could be a slightly ahoo stab taken at "(®)," marca registrada.   But such a stab is pointless and meaningless, as well as harmless, in the absence of any antecedent.

Of the two serious contenders, "Rx for Rationalization" seems distinctly preferable, even though what follows affords no general prescription, really, only one alleged specific example. "R is for Rationalization" would be pretty much unintelligible, coming at one utterly Out of the Blue Void, as it were, no particular 'R' having been previously mentioned at BMG, nor, as far as we know, become generally associated with Party Neocomrade (ninth grade) W. T. Aking of the Missouri Second.

Happy days.

[0] On the whole, ’twere better not to speak of the worst at all. Except on the witness stand under oath or possibly at gunpoint.

[1] I guess an ‘R’ would be about the same as a conventional D- . Or possibly that "jocose and sarcastic E+" that you no doubt remember from the well-thumbed pages of our H*rv*rd Book. Which, by the way, ¿Whatever became of it?  ¡Alas, poor Bentinck-Smith!

[2] One the other hand, Paddy and Eye agree that the Patroniser of Public Transport probably knows the way from Alewife to Braintree and back better in kilometres and hectares and joules &c. &c. than in those far less accurate and wissenschaftlich units understanded of the vulgar.

Obviously most of us don’t go as far as Akin. Most of us feel at some level that even though we were all zygotes and embryos once, a woman’s wishes ought to be given at least some weight, at least some of the time. Is a zygote a human being? Most of us would say, Not really. Is a viable fetus of 28 weeks a human being? Most of us would say Mostly or Definitely. But in much of this range stands It-Is-And-It-Isn’t.

But some of us do not see, do not want, do not believe in the legitimacy of ambiguity. And in order to keep that one thing constant (that a fertilized egg in whatever stage of development is fully vested with humanity, as it were), everything else must turn around it. Like light around a black hole, science itself must bend. Ethics must bend: Regard for women, their freedoms, and their bodies, must bend.

I keep thinking of Yeats, in the poem so tritely over-quoted: “The best lack all conviction, while the worst/Are full of passionate intensity.” It is, I think, merely a normative description: That to be ethical and good means to consider consequences; to be full of doubt, fear and trembling. Rationalization such as Akin’s takes one horn of a dilemma and pretends the other doesn’t exist.

And sadly, our media’s attention span (140 character limit) allows for nothing else. The sound bite culture in fact wildly encourages such rationalization and elision — until someone like Akin rather ingenuously tries to talk it through publicly, and puts it in such naked and grotesque fashion.

Discuss: 2 [1 new]

19 August 2012

Mau-Mauing the _Fehrnstrom Fishwrap_ (Part 3.14159 of an occasional series)

"The Associated Press contributed to this report."

Contributed quite a bit, Paddy suspects, for surely none of the Jay School fruits -- no frathouse babes immediately in evidence, Eye notices -- can wish to interfere with Citizen Fehrnstrom's plans to create our political happiness on the adamantine foundation of the neodictatorship of Mittius Coriolanus Pompo, Demander of Apologies, Master of Seamus, &c. &c. &c.

¡With the Smirk of Janesville substarrin as Master of the Horse!

¡¡Plus Senator S. Philip Fratboy off to one side lookin shirtleessly cosmopolitan!! Or perhaps, considering the little laddie's present chronological age, shirtedly.

None of this triune happiness of ours can ever happen, though, unless the Fearless Funders of Freedumb manage to stuff scads an scads of carpetbags full of boodle by the behavior here described.

The question before us, accordingly, is whether it helps to allure the meatheads of Louisedayhicksville by going on at any length about the sausage-maker's craft.

Now your really konsequent whightist señorito of the 'conservative' 'intellectual' (a.k.a. "intolerable whippersnapper") variety would suppress the Campaign Styles of the Rich and Famous even in such temptin' cases as Big Paddy (the Governor of us all, sucessor to M. Coriolanus Pompo) or what's-his-name, the senior Sen., the one with the yacht.

ENVY is a four-letter word, doncha know? A four-letter peccatum capitale, even, as it were.  And the theory is, or used to be, that nobooby is immune, not even at LDHV an/or Rio Limbaugh. Wally Wombschool an Cindy from Wasilla certainly could start hankerin after spectacular locations as dazzlin, in their stodgey, real-estatey way, as is the candidacy of M. Coriolanus Pompo on the loftier an more spiritual plane of humanoid events.

Quite apart from the dogmatic mythology, it would be a serious inconvenience for the Fearless Funders an for Kiddiemaster Fehrnstrom if LDHV an RL were to start envyin those Bettters for Whom

it is their appointed station in life to scab. ¡Not far would the kiddiecons wander down that road before most likely turning Bolshie!

A vague theoretical knowledge that Ebb Scrooge, an Ollie Warbucks, an Tio Ruperto, an the Freres Koch, an . . . consume material goodies on a level that makes even Brookline lace curtains look pretty shabby is harmless. Probably it is harmless.

But your whight-wing agitpropper is definitely temptin Fate when she succumbs to some silly Jay School notion that absolutely everythin should be brought vividly before the selfservative kiddies' dittopans by means like "nearly 300 guests [who] dined on lobster, seafood salad, a raw bar, roast beef, salmon and blueberry cobbler with breathtaking views of the ocean and Farm Neck Golf Club."

(Incidentally, GULA used to be a four-letter theoword too, did it not?)

Let us hope, then, that the AP is solely responsible for at least the FNGC Three Hundred and their [exp. del.] blueberry cobbler.

Should that gaudy bit prove to have been stuck in gratuitously at The Fehrnstrom Fishwrap, well, Paddy and Eye will have to subtract even more points from Fabulous Fernie's runnin score, a score which has been declining of late for other reasons. (( See http://j.mp/P4B4SE for our attempt to convince political grown-ups that Fernie is, or once was, moderately formidable. ))

Happy days.

-- Patrick (Pádraig) Aloysius (Chlodovechus ) McTammany (#$@%!^&*)

18 August 2012

Will Dr. Warren please call her office at once?

Dear Dr. Bones,

¡Abajo Marshall MacL@@han!

It would have taken Paddy and Eye about one one-hundredth as long to work out that Governor Sununu is a thorough-paced bozoe from a transcript.  Not that we  did not have suspicions already.

Surreality-based Republican invective from GOP pork expert Sununu
Bob_Neer | Sat, Aug 18, 2012 4:41 PM EST

A truly fabulous display of surreality-based GOP argumentation from New Hampshire pork expert and travel consultant John H. Sununu. Note in particular how as Sununu is challenged by reality he resorts to political invective: an example of the danger of equivalence when one side, in this case the news channel, is reality-based and the other side, in this case the Ryan-Romney campaign and its surrogate, is surreality-based. Hat-tip, Moveon.org.

(( ... snip yet another sad concession to the prose-challenged ... ))

Recommended by somervilletom.
Discuss One Comment . Leave a comment below.
[new] Why does the Globe publish this moron?

I get that the Globe wants to present a diversity of views on its editorial page.

Is John Sununu the only conservative columnist available (other than Jeff Jacoby)? This guy is loud, boorish, and dishonest, and totally disconnected from reality. John Sununu was nauseating as a Governor of NH, and he’s gotten worse with age. [*]

somervilletom @ Sat 18 Aug 5:02 PM

Ad quos Patricius McTammany:

I do believe we have time for a quick shot

(( fold here ))

 of Old Intellectual Bottom, graciously self-recommended by the little lady

from the Big University:
[A] John Henry SUNUNU (born July 2, 1939) served as the 75th Governor of New Hampshire (1983–89) and later White House Chief of Staff under President George H. W. Bush. He is the father of John E. Sununu, a former senator from New Hampshire. Sununu was the chairman of the New Hampshire Republican Party from 2009 to 2011. (&c. &c.)


[B] John Edward SUNUNU (born September 10, 1964) is a former Republican (GOP) United States Senator from New Hampshire, of Maronite ancestry. Sununu was the youngest member of the Senate for his entire six-year term. He is the son of former New Hampshire Governor John H. Sununu. On November 4, 2008, Sununu lost his re-election bid to former governor Jeanne Shaheen.   (...)

Sununu currently sits on the Board of Managers of ConvergEx Holdings, a holding company for BNY ConvergEx Group, an affiliate of Bank of New York Mellon, which holds a 33.8% stake in BNY ConvergEx Group. These days, he is often seen in the hallways of Saint Anselm College's New Hampshire Institute of Politics. On July 7, 2010, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP announced that Sununu was joining the firm as an adjunct senior policy advisor. Akin Gump is one of the largest law firms and lobbying firms in Washington, D.C.

Sununu was appointed by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell to serve on the Congressional Oversight Panel (COP) for the Troubled Asset Relief Program funds, whose purpose is to assess how the TARP program is working, in order to help Congress determine whether to continue injecting capital into the financial sector.

Sununu is a regular op-ed contributor to the Bosstown (NY) Globe.
The clown shown performin’ on the MacL@@han T@@ba is [A],

 the once-Governor-never-Senator begetter of [B],

the once-Senator-never-Governor. 

¿Next question?

Happy days.

[*] Rather an unfortunate remark, that one, for those fortunate who have reposed ourselves solidly upon sky-blue Reality instead of the shifting sands of Ms. Remembrance and Dr. Alzheimer.

If you will carefully examine the above icon of Daddy, Dr. Bones, you will detect a Mark Zero I.B.M. personal computer off to His Excellency's whight, the viewer’s leff.   A pretty sure sign, it seems to Eye and Paddy, that this is one who has gotten [whatever] with age.

¿Does Eye repeat himself? ¡Very well, then, Eye repeats myself!  (Eye is large, Eye contains multitudes.)

Not to mention that Eye wants a reality-based URL for that screen shot so that  it may fitly be sent off to the Blue Blazers.

16 August 2012

¡Let's everybooby please focus on me!

Dear Dr. Bones,

¡Never a dull moment!

All of a sudden, the Shirtless Cosmopolitan™ prefers to fight his battle out in the remoteness of our New Iceland boondocks undisturbed by bright lights, an cityslickers, an carpetbags, an all that out-of-commonwealth jazz:

TPM2012 | Elizabeth Warren’s New Opponent: Paul Ryan


“I know professor Warren (sic) would love to run against Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan but she’s running against me,” Brown said, “somebody who has a record of service, who will continue to work in a truly bipartisan manner, who has gotten many endorsements from Democrats and has a whole host of people working to get him elected.

“I think she should probably focus on me rather than national figures.”

The PollTracker Average shows an incredibly tight race, with Warren narrowly leading Brown, 40.8 percent to 38.8 percent.

Of course you understand, Dr. Bones, that what we have here is really Edgar Bergen Fehrnstrom

Fabulous Fernie

doin his freelordly an kiddiemagisterial preferrin through the murky medium of Charlie 'Scott' McCarthy, Warmer of The People's Seat (Pat. Pend.).

So, then, ¿Up to what is Fabulous Fernie this time?

Eye kind of suspects that his freelordship is not really out to give the LLBU, "little lady from the Big University," helpful hints about keeping her campaign focused. For that matter, the "Etch-a-sketch" exuberance involvin Mittius Coriolanus Pompo, Stern Demander of Apologies (&c. &c.), could conceivably be taken to signify that Kindermeister von Fehrnstrom considers focusin -- die Scharfeinstellung, ¿doncha know? -- an overrated commodity.

Still, Fernie is most likely neither tryin to pawn bad advice off on the LLBU nor sincerely helpin her make sure she gives it her best possible shot, thereby increasing the Glory of Fratboy once the votes are counted an it turn out even H*rv*rd's best was not enough. No, what Fernie is really up to is . . .

. . . a bit of a mystery.

Happy days.

15 August 2012

More Than Just a Potted Plant

Dear Dr. Bones,

Today is one of those days when it is easy enough to pretend that one is engaged in Lit. Crit. rather than just making mock of whightist cripples:

Defining a tax ‘cut’
By Boston Herald Editorial Staff
Wednesday, August 15, 2012 - Updated 11 hours ago

“Only in Washington, D.C., and the faculty lounge at Harvard does keeping tax rates where they are represent a tax cut.” — Sen. Scott Brown at the South Shore Chamber of Commerce.

Yes, the senator does have a way of clarifying the current tax debate on Capitol Hill ... Brown rightly points out ... Brown called for a special summer session of Congress to make sure those tax hikes don’t come back to haunt us while our politicians are on the campaign trail. And that’s a damned (sic</ I> [1]) good idea.

Ad quem responduisset Patricius McTammany

'Tis a pleasure for the student of Neocomradology to watch 'Fingers' Fehrnstrom perform!

Eye betsya mere Krelimnologists never had so much fun back in the bad old days. Though the good Marshall might as well have been writing all the glowing reviews of his orations in Pravda and Izvestiya, but on the other hand, he DID actually make the speeches.

Fernie has gone the great man one greater: Fernie The Fabulous

gets S. Philip Fratboy, warmer of The People's Seat (Pat. Pend.), to speak for him, after which he gets the Jay School fruits and frathouse babes of Louisedayhicksville to applaud what Fernie has spoken.

Extremely nifty is that the Master of Ceremonies never appears in person at all. [*]

Were this a fairy tale, Paddy and Eye would presume that the Kiddiemaster will now marry Mlle. de la Main Invisible, after which they will both live 'transparently' ever after.

Happy Himmelfahrt. [**]
--Patrick Aloysius McTammany

[*] The Freelord of Fehrnstrom is pioneerin' virgin soil, as it were, far out in the Agitprop Oblast'. Like lesservolks in that line, mistakes may possibly be made--may rather EASILY be made, in fact--when one is always essaying _cose non dette in prosa ancor nè in rima_.

It seems to Paddy, though, that Fabulous Fernie got carried away yesterday when he (d.b.a. the Herald fruits an babes) applauded himself (d.b.a. the Fedguv Senator) BEFORE the oratorical event had come to pass. (( Not the ventriloquism act autoapplauded here, but a different (?) one performed before the Randolph 02638 Chambermaids of Commerce, http://j.mp/ObnTLZ ))

Paddy can see why maintaining the appearance of strict chronology and cause-always-before-effect might seem not to matter to One who in any case pulls all the strings. In a lot of cases it does not matter: _War and Peace_ would be neither better nor worse if we knew (perhaps we do, but not Eye) that the Borodino part was composed before the Austerlitz part. That would only be a curiosity.

However part of Fernie's little joke on everybooby is that the B.H. is a NEWSpaper, which make a little difference for the critic.. The exact same tripe-an-baloney that can pass for news in the afternoon, is only a "press release" if disseminated before noon.

[**] http://j.mp/PctXZ3

Happy days.

Happy days.

[1] One may hope that when kiddiecon ‘journalists’ lapse into grown-up swearwords like this it means that the Fearless Funders of Freedumb are startin’ to put the pressure on Kindermeister von Fehrnstrom, who in turn barks an’ bellows at his freelordship’s own hired hands.

12 August 2012

(( template test ))

Dear Dr. Bones,

(( Introductory remarks to Dr. Bones ))

This is by way of a continuation of the methodus sua [1] post.  

(( Quotation from Blue Blazers ))

Ad quem responduisset Patricius McTammany:

(( Potential or actual or esprit-d’escalier kneejerk occasioned by the Blazerly Challenge ))

Happy days.

(( Concluding unscientific postscript.  I.e., more Bones. ))

The signature link inside the above green meanie points to the Mass. Exceptionalism front page, which is also used to identify oneself

to the Blue Class Group. 

 [1]  For the gender, see over here, whereyou will discover that you wish Perseus put in the LSJ page and column numbers.   But Aristarchus knows best.

Happy days.