11 August 2012

Fratboy Furioso a Vision of the Future?

Dear Dr. Bones,

I doubt I shall pester the Blue Blazers with this latest bit of McFlummery at a moment when all are bound to be lost in rapt adoration of the Smirk of Janesville [*].  But we shall see.

Digging in, doubling down: Brown's (panic) attacks:
charley-on-the-mta | Fri, Aug 10, 2012 1:40 PM EST

Oh Lordy.

“Scott Brown demands Elizabeth Warren reimburse taxpayers for vote registration mailings – Political Intelligence”

(( ¡SNIP! ))

Recommended by somervilletom.

Once the USA has become just a tad more like Outer Fehrnstromia,

(( fold here ))

would it not make sense for the winners of elections to require ex-officeholders and their deluded rabble to pay back from their own pockets for every penny the Wicked State was seduced into spending on loserly policies?

If you really want a Social Ponzi Administration, say, or a Department of War, or a whatever, should not YOU be the one to fund these supposed goodies? Especially now that you know for sure from the election results that The People, sole proprietors of all the Seats, do not agree with your depraved personal tastes?

Happy days.

(( One might also look to the past, as indeed Citizen Fehrnstrom specializes in causin’ Mittius Coriolanus Pompo to do--Here

is your chance to meet America's Comeback Team!"

(( Poor C. Julius Caesar had to start that big civil war simply because it was the received thing to prosecute one's political enemies into oblivion as soon as they were unprotected by lictors and fasces. The Romans never seem to have thought of this nifty plan as a fiscal mechanism, but come along, ¿Surely after twenty-one centuries a few minor improvements are perfectly in order? ))

Happy days.


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