23 August 2012

Local Microbe Goes Viral

¡Not to condemn even Bozo the Sassenach unheard!

I Must Be Doing Something Right In Ireland

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

On George Hook’s show Friday, I debated Labor Party Deputy Michael D. Higgins—affectionately known to his supporters as “Michael Dee.” He, in turn, gave me my own pet name:


Specifically, Deputy Higgins accused me of being “a wanker who’s just whipping up fear.” Fear of the massive debt the US has added since Obama took office, fear of our inability to pay for the monstrous ObamaCare system that’s already failed the “won’t add a single nickel to the deficit” test, fear of whackjob Islamists who use murder to pursue their aims, etc. etc.

I find it completely rational to have some fear—or at the least grave concern—over all these things. But the Deputy, a far-lefty, disagreed in the strongest possible terms.

Now, regular listeners to the show know I get called far worse than “wanker” on a regular basis. So I barely noticed it. My response to the Deputy’s comment was to apologize to the audience.

“I know a lot of you tuned in to hear a right-wing nut spew ignorant, uninformed insults,” I said, “but unfortunately Deputy Higgins beat me to it.”

What’s interesting has been the reaction from the NewsTalk listeners. Some of them are absolutely outraged. Deputy Higgins has an official position in Irish government and, they feel, it was unacceptable language for him to use. Several listeners were so outraged that they attended my tea-party meeting in Dublin today specifically to apologize to me on behalf of the Irish people and let me know how offended (_sic_) they found his comments.

Personally, I found Deputy Higgins’ weak logic and unwillingness to acknowledge facts far more bothersome than the name calling. But once again, I’m a conservative talk host in America, so I’m used to being insulted by government officials.

I’ll leave it to the Irish to decide if the Deputy’s comments were out of line. Regardless, I am grateful for those who’ve risen to my defense.

And a proud, American “wanker.”

Okay, NOW you may condemn.

Chez McTammany

'Tis not often that the Irish Times link next to Paddy McTammany's e-gloo actually get used, so, presuming on your kind indulgence,

Higgins Tea Party smackdown goes viral
Thu, Aug 23, 2012

A two-year-old YouTube clip, of President Michael D Higgins debating with a US conservative talkshow host and Tea Party advocate has gone viral.

The clip has been viewed approximately 200,000 times in the past 48 hours and Mr Higgins is garnering much positive reaction from US-based users of social media sites.

In the 2010 Newstalk radio clip, the then Labour TD Michael D Higgins tells talkshow host Michael Graham to “be proud to be a decent American rather than being just a w**ker whipping up fear.”

Mr Higgins said Graham was using the same tactics as former Conservative vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin “to get a large crowd, whip them up, try and discover what is the greatest fear, work on that and feed it right back and you get a frenzy”.

Much spike in traffic was generated after the clip was linked on social media sharing site Upworthy with the headline: “A Tea Partier Decided To Pick A Fight With A Foreign President. It Didn't Go So Well.”

Posting a link to the clip in the past 24 hours, Mansur Gidfar of Upworthy wrote: “Michael D. Higgins (who was elected President of Ireland last year) is fed up with over-the-top Tea Party rhetoric, and he isn't afraid to show it. Listen to him call out radio host Michael Graham on everything from health care to foreign policy. Trust me, you don't want to miss this one”

Mr Higgins' comments have garnered much reaction online, particularly among US tweeters, some of whom are calling the clip a “Tea Party smackdown”.

The clip “Michael D Higgins vs Michael Graham” is taken from a debate between Michael D Higgins and Michael Graham on foreign affairs broadcast on George Hook’s programme The Right Hook on Newstalk in 2010. The clip was originally uploaded in February.

Graham hosts a show on a Boston radio station 96.9 WTK (_sic_), is a former political consultant for the Conservative party (¿huh?) and has published a book on the Tea Party movement. He was one of the earliest organisers for the Tea Party.

Reacting to the popularity of the clip Graham tweeted today: “If opposing Arab terrorists and supporting Israel’s right to self defense still means I’m a 'w**ker', nothing’s changed".

Broadcaster George Hook tweeted today: “Glad to hear people enjoyed the debate between President Higgins and Michael Graham although it should be remembered it was two years ago”.

The hits on the video stand at over 430,000 but a spokeswoman for Google was unable to release any further information on the number of views.

Happy days.

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