23 August 2012

Bottom, Bottom, ¿Who's Got My Intellectual Bottom™ ... [0] ...?

Dear Dr. Bones,

Among pro scribblers about the Spiritual [1] History of Greater Europe, it is, or used to be, a commonplace that after a few centuries have elapsed, ‘our’ ancestors’ ding-dong intramural set-tos become unintelligible at the hormonic or unbewusste or so-called ‘intuitive’ level: ¿How, after all, are ‘we’ to sympathize sincerely -- not to speak of ‘enthusiastically’ -- with either BigEndians or LittleEnders, now that poached and scrambled between them have entirely conquered The Magic Market?

Like alchemy and phrenology and Methodism, even Chicagonomics, these FFWW, Famous Fusses of the Western World, still possess a gigantic bibliography that will endure for ages to come [1] and can easily be resorted to by Dr. Dryasdust and Perfesser iGlaze at a purely conscious and cognitive level. Provided, naturally, that one does not require anything more exciting for tenure in Tert. Ed. than a modicum of eye powder, sometimes a tad slightin’ly referred to as "Fordian Bunk,"

Henry Ford slept here
(( Henry Ford slept here ))

CBO says “Fiscal cliff” is coming, recession, 9%+ unemployment…

johnd | Wed, Aug 22, 2012 10:08 PM EST

The director of the Congressional Budget Office, Douglas Elmendorf, said Wednesday that currently planned sharp cuts in spending and increases in taxes at the end of the year would cause “a dramatic reduction in the federal deficit” and “a significant tightening of fiscal policy” which would “probably lead to a recession early next year.”

Analysts refer to this as the “fiscal cliff.”

President Barack Obama and Congress face the question of whether to step back from the fiscal cliff by not allowing the current tax rates to expire at year end and by postponing the spending curbs mandated by last summer’s Budget Control Act.

Before year end, Congress must also decide whether to allow a 27 percent cut in Medicare payments to doctors to take effect – as required by a 1997 budget law — or whether to put it off, as it has done for the past several years.

SO… unless these morons in Congress do something, we’ll have another recession, 9%+ unemployment and Americans may not be able to handle it well. How do you think Doctors will react to a 27% cut in Medicare payments? I can a lot of Doctors not taking Medicare patients any more.

What’s going to happen?

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3 Comments [3 new] . Leave a comment below.

[new] Depends what the GOP does, in large part

Since they are the ones who created this manufactured crisis in the first place. If they would just be sensible, adopt comprehensive health care reform with a public option, or even better Medicare for All, and embrace stimulus spending, we’d have been out of this recession a long time ago, and well on our way to restoring fiscal health to the national economy overall. The GOP created this “economic crisis” under Bush, and they are the main reason it has been sustained.

Bob_Neer @ Thu 23 Aug 12:18 AM

[new] They will

as long as it doesn’t mandate abortion and IVF and genetic engineering and cloning and all the other controversial things. Trade same-sex reproduction for a public option. Ball is in your court.

dont-get-cute @ Thu 23 Aug 1:49 AM


Bad Behavior has blocked 21005 access attempts in the last 7 days


Happy days.



[0] A running title long enough to exhibit Twainian perspective after the manner of Century XII-XVII-LIII no doubt can be tarted up in HTML soo as to look tolerably acceptable, but we prefer not to spare the research time just at present. So please imagine that we called this one

"Bottom, Bottom, ¿Who's Got That Intellectual Bottom™ Product that the little lady from THE Big University

E. X. Warrenbuffet (left) with u/i H*rv*rd
(( E. H. Warrenbuffet (left) collaged with H*rv*rd colleague ))

Graciously Recommended to Everybody Just the Other Day?"

[1] ¿Where are the (literal) bookworms when they might really do some good? And the tapeworms? And the CD/DVD worms? And . . . ?

[2 Paddy and Eye are thinking of die Geistesgeschichte Grosseuropas, you understand. All of it ‘superstructure’ for your Unreformed Marxist, meaning NOT meat-and-productivity economic, yet of little or no special interest to First-Estater Revs or ecclesiatical hack pols. If you like, feel free to think of ‘our’ former religionism as Dean Swift thought of the Hen of Lilliput and all Her productions.

The ever-immortal Hen of Plato, on the other hand, is still alive and rather too well for our taste, Paddy and Eye being, as you know, disciples of The Master of WYSIWYG and therefore averse to Parmenidism and Leostraussianity and everything similar in between.

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