29 March 2012

Alms for the Prose-Challenged

Dear Dr. Bones,

The "gentlemen who dwell above the clouds"

(( unjô-bitu ))

on the up-market slopes of the

Great Blue Hill
(( Great Blue Hill ))

hard by the

Palace of Public Television
(( Palace of Public Television ))

showed an amazing amount of interest in

ldhv Herald
(( The Herald of Louisedayhicksville ))

yesterday. Can it be that the nobility and gentry are still devotees of traditional New Iceland frugality, and resolve to do without the _Globe_ of Gotham City as much as possible, now that the latter’s Proprietor Corporation has seen fit to conceal most of it behind the Yank equivalent

(screen of state)
(( kichô ))

of a "screen of state?"

Whatever the causes, the effects were the following: (1) one of the Blue Blazers actually cheered for the frathouse babes an’ fruits of the J-school. This was, of course, a mistake, since the story came from the Statehose News Service. Fairembalance, the Fox Goddess, mandates me to note that at least the fruits an’ the babes did label their loot impeccably. It was not, in this case, their fault that Beautiful People sometimes can be hasty people too.

(2) More in line with expectation, another Blazer caught the babe H. X. Chabot switchin’ a scribble around after it had been published. In His Worship’s phrase, the neocomradess (or her organ) were "doing the bidding for Scott Brown." This, however, not in His Worship’s view, a problem per se, for "what is questionable is [only] that a run of the mill story is yanked and re-written under the same url to benefit a candidate."

His Worship does not make clear, to so mean an intellegence as is that of Paddy McTammany, whether what he wants to drop a flag on is that the same URL should point to different self-factionalisms at different points in time, which is an issue for nerds, chiefly, or some genuinely political point at which poor Paddy cannot even guess.

The "run-of-the-mill" song and dance presumably means that is OK with the ’GBH-ers if news stories are rewritten as they break. In that sense, evidently, I guess it cannot properly be said to "break" on a _Herald_ babe that the way she spun it the first time around did not do as much as it might have in the path of Party an’ AEIdeology. It thus looks as if His Worship wants to draw one of those hard-and-fast lines between ‘facts’ and opinion / analysis / twistification that the Muses and you and I have never been too enthusiastic about.

On the other hand, maybe there is something to it after all. I cannot divine the Blazerly opinion or analysis here, yet almost anybooby can see (the fact) that Their Worships have indeed been examining the _Herald_ a little lately. [1]

Probably they will not persevere, however, mornin’-glories that they are.

Happy days.

[1] Somewhere in between, maybe, falls Paddy’s guess that His Worship has been detected slumming journalistically only because he had G@@GLE set a watch on new scribbles about Faculty-Lounge Lizzie.

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