Dr. Bones,
Kindly file this, too, under "Letters the editor was spared":
"Go it, husband! Go it, bear!"
(( fold here ))
’Tis politics in stereo, begorrah, for Paddy McTammany to be able to venerate this rescript sent down from the unjoo-bito, or
 (( ´Gentlemen Who Dwell Above the Clouds’ ))
at the very same moment I hear Howard Lawrence Louis Carr [*] goin’ on in the background as if (non-(voluntary overpayment)) of taxes were obviously a killer issue for Team Fratboy.
Paddy is somehow vaguely reminded of an anecdote about the ex-Founder of the Party of Grant & Hoover & Goldwater & Atwater, as follows:
As a politician, Lincoln made excellent use of his humorous stories. His long time political opponent Stephen A. Douglas complained that Lincoln’s jokes were "like a slap across my back. Nothing else—not any of his arguments or any of his replies to my questions—disturbs me. But when he begins to tell a story, I feel that I am to be overmatched." More than once Douglas and other political opponents of Lincoln’s saw their eloquently presented arguments forgotten by the audience after Lincoln followed up their speeches with a homely story or anecdote. At Alton, Illinois, during the last of the “great debates” with Douglas, Lincoln told a story that illustrated how he felt about a political feud that was currently raging between Democratic senator Douglas and the head of the Democratic Party. He said he felt like the old woman that, not knowing who was going to win a brawl between her husband and a bear, decided to cheer for both of them: "Go it husband, go it bear!" |
Massa Howie bein’ the bear, naturally. Paddy is a Demoncrat, though maybe not altogether a Lieberal one.
Not strictly relevant, but definitely kinda fun is this
 (( ¿Huh? ))
little trouvée.
Happy days.
___ [*] Or possibly Howard Lewis Lawrence Carr. Paddy think to self, "¿Could we see the birth certificate, Howie?
In short, then, Paddy and Eye tend to prefer whichever of Perfesser St. Elisabeth of Warrenbuffet and Sen. Fratboy it was from whom we did not heard least recently.
The real McReject, by the way, is available over
Happy days.
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