Dear Dr. Bones,
Did Poetic Justice but sway the world, sir, as obviously She ought, those who live by drool about "intellectual foundation" would die by ditto. Preferably with the same sort of lingering demise inflicted by those proverbial sadists who use saccharine as rat poison.
But already I digress. Their Worships the Blue Blazers, who really ought to get out more, are in a state of Casblanca shock about a ninth-magnitude provincial señorito from the Merrimack Valley who saw fit to scribble as follows:
Opinion | April 15, 2012 Column: Obama can’t be bothered to defend his positions Matthew May In his classic work "Rhetoric", Aristotle wrote "Persuasion is achieved by the speaker’s personal character when the speech is so spoken as to make us think him credible. We believe good men more firmly and more readily than others; this is true generally whatever the question is, and absolutely true where exact certainty is impossible and opinions divided." And then there is Barack Obama. (( ... )) Since his inauguration, Barack Obama has not deigned to put forth the effort to convince. He is emblematic of the postmodern pampered manchild, (( ¡gasp! )) fancying that his endless, awkward declarations as reason enough to demolish the citizen’s relationship to the government. He is petulant and wishes to steamroll dissent and transparency in word and deed. These are not attributes that Aristotle would have recognized as the characteristics of a credible man. Because Barack Obama is incredible, he is incapable of persuading those who believe in ordered liberty and republican government that his cause is just. • • • Matthew May is a contributor to _The University Bookman_ and the _American Thinker_ and is the author of the book "Restoration." He welcomes comments at may.matthew.t@gmail.com. |
Now is the month of mayin’ / When Mattbo’ gets to playin’, / With a hey, an’ a ho, an’ a hey-nonny-O, / ¡Sweet wingnuts love the spring!
But seriously, sorta, Paddy and Eye think it pretty indicative that the unjoo-bito, "gentlemen who dwell above the clouds on the upper slopes of the Great Blue Hill, hard by the Palace of Public Television," should fling themselves into a tisei over ‘manchild’ whereas we, who have heard it a couple of dozen times already from Dr. Limbaugh an’ othervolks like thereunto, were vastly more struck to find little Bozoe tryin’ to drag in Il maestro di color ((¡N. B.!)) che sanno [1]. Then there is our joint surprise to learn that the said University Bookman has managed to survive the passin’ of Kiddiemaster Kirk-rhymes-with-‘jerk’. It had always seemed a strictly supply-side phænomenon, the Yoo Bee did. Ah, well, "¿Who’ ’a’ thunk that the higher braindeath has undone so many?" [2]
For the record (and possible future diagnoses) we had better preserve a specimen or two of what we understand by "Casablanca shock":
That uppitty "manchild" in the Whitehouse is annoying the Wingnuts again. methuenprogressive | Sun, Apr 15, 2012 8:43 PM EST The Lawrence Eagle Tribune has printed a Matthew May screed wherein he blows the dogwhistle LOUD – calling President Obama a “manchild.” Do you have a Disqus account? If so, please let them know what you think . . . . (( snip )) | Wow... Honestly, the whole column is amazing. Has anyone ever heard of this guy? The stuff on the health care law is truly laughable. david @ Sun 15 Apr 9:49 PM |
Happy days.
[1] Inferno IV:131
[2] op. cit. III:56f.
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