Dear Dr. Bones,
So far, Paddy has not managed to think of a really good "manchild-bites-dog" joke, but ¿perhaps thie following will do you as a snack or appetizer while research continues?
Any LFOD goodvolks who would christen a daughter ‘Tory’ (( fold here )) are to be commended highly, it seems to me, for havin’ raised her up in the same ideology in which she was hatched. It shows a genuine "¡Life free or die!" abhorrence of all political correctness: ¿what, after all, can a mere twelvescore years maatter in the eyes of really SEVERE (to borrow an epithet) neoreactionaries? It might be interesting to hear this freedame’s principal, Governor Romney of MA, cross-examined about George III, and his own predecessor the late Gov. Hutchinson, and the job-creational value, if any, of the East India Company, and so on, and so forth: "¿Is the Master of Seamus also a Friend of the King? ¿How much does it matter--should it matter--that Queen Charlotte "never worked a day in her life"? ¡Colonists want to know! On the other hand, what with Hollywood and Foxcuckooland ever at hand, one must reckon with the possibility that ‘Tory’ was not the unit’s original nomenclature. As with "John Fund," the Wall Street Jingoe, a semi- or quasi-allegorical itch to improve upon Nature in quest of meretricious entertainment values could be at work here. Which is why it is so urgent that nobody be allowed to vote without presenting at least two birth certificates and a retina scan. Or vice versa. Happy days. --JHM |

Happy days.
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