Dear Dr. Bones,
Wombschoolin’ and freedumbin’ down are far advanced: I mean ¡Just look at what this pro Kiddiemaster thinks he can get away with!
It occurs to me that maybe we should not get so struck by the neopastors that we slight their freelordships’ scattered sheeps in our analyses. Here, at any rate, in the Rev. Dr. Claving's peanut gallery, is an errant ewe with an interesting bleat that I do not think we have encountered before. Narcissa Dextra complains, in effect, tht she cannot think straight in the Wicked Moden World because there is SO MUCH NOISE [1].
The original of that is, expressed in the local dialect of Happy Pastures OK, runs "We [Daughters of Virtue & Sons of Wisdom, LLC] still can’t do a decent job of disentangling ... — precisely because leftists scream ... at any attempt to do so ...." [0]
Entangled the kiddies accordin’ly remain, though that may change before too long, when the gates around all those "gated communities" finally get their heads lifted up proud an’ proper. Plus of course there must be sandtraps, an’ mantraps, an’ Rotweilers, an’ AK’s-47, und Niedersturmabteilungen &c. &c. _quant. suff._
Poor Ms. Narcy’s exact condition will not, perhaps, be addresed directly by these measures. Gates, as such, afford very little in the way of sound damping. Moreover, some of those ancillary paraphernalia, _sine quibus non_, can generate an immense amount of racket at times. Perhaps Rear-Colonel the Rev. Klavan, or more likely a lesser rank, will be able to make her the occasional house call in his APC to point out that there is good (self-defensive) noise as well as aggressive BAD NOISE. Which latter Mizz Narcy herself, after all, has just specified as emanatin’ from ‘leftists’. [*]
Predicting the exact details of any one local neoparamilitary situation in advance is silly, but it occurs to me that the Happy Pasture Rangers, as it may be, may want to set up a buffer of "scorched earth," real, figurative, or somewhere in between, around the outside perimeter of their circled wagons. Mere distance can abate noise if there be enough of it, and in any case the other strategic, operational and tactical advantages of establishing a Freedumb of Fire Zone (FFZ) are immense. One does not have to be a grand theorist of Native Management like Dr. Gen. D. X. Petrolæus of Princeton and West Point to appreciate thee advantages. Indeed, Foxcuckooland as it exists already--more exactly, the backwater media taken collectively--could be understood as a sort of preliminary sketch for the more bricks-an’-mortar FFZ’s of the day after tomorrow, when the Age of Breitbartius shall have well an’ truly dawned.
Happy days.
[0] Let us be gallant enough to hear Mizz Narcy out:
1. Akatsukami I believe that you are taking cover behind the same strawman that leftists have devised to shelter themselves. Leftists love to find a exception to the rule and proclaim that that exception justifies their schemes . Is it impossible to find a white supremacist who has attended a TEA Party rally? Is it impossible to find a family of Mexican illegals who are a net benefit to America? Is it impossible to find a person who cannot afford therapy for cancer and to whom no one will give aid? Do those things justify “hate speech” laws, refusal to patrol the Mexican border, and Obamacare? We have a disconnect in that “blackism” — the ghetto culture that glorifies illiteracy, violence, misogyny, and homophobia — is deliberately confused by leftists with African ancestry. In fact, African-Americans despise the term for the reasons I have given (and it won’t do you any good to be smiling if you call a West Indian “black”). Despite Herrnstein and Murray’s The Bell Curve, we still can’t do a decent job of disentangling ethnicity and culture — precisely because leftists scream “Racism! You’re a RACIST!!!” at any attempt to do so (and note that The Bell Curve ad subsequent efforts didn’t claim that a person’s intelligence is determined by genetics, but is influenced by it). To say that the outcome of a person’s life is determined by sheer luck is Rawlsian leftism. April 16, 2012 - 5:06 am Link to this Comment | Reply |
It would be a pleasure to examine that precious contribution to the Kiddie Kriticism of Mr. Rawls of H*rv*rd, but Paddy and Eye have been scribbling long enough to prefer to return to our crypt now [04/17/2012 06:15] that the sun is rising.
[1] While I am thus "taking fortresses with my fingertips," as Père Joseph put it once to is Eminence, it occurs to me that once G-Day is behind us, with Freelords, Kiddiemasters, an’ Party base-‘n’-vile alike all safely neocommunitized--along with presumably some admixture of dubious Strangers, concernin’ whom measures will have to be taken that we need not envision for the other team--the rhetoric geography of Pork & Starboard will have to work a little differently. Instead of a linear ‘spectrum’ there will be a spiral galaxy. ‘Whight’ will the inward or "incomin’" neodirection, towards the centre of Hill City City. ‘Leff’ will be the opposite. Of course both these could be any bearing from 000 to 360 and back again if expressed in the pre-Gated system.
It might help to imagine the wingnutettes an’ wingnuts blissfully circumambulatin’ their Greater Omphalos clockwise: "Kin side always on the in side," the Hiawatha of Mr. Longfellow of H*rv*rd might croon it, plus--¡as if especially for our Miss Narcy! [*]--"Shout side always on the out side." Assuming the Neosaints do not trip much over those Strangers, that plan ought in principle to keep ’em safely disentangled indefinitely.
That arrangement in place, all the aurally challenged will require is to be furnished with a single plug fitted for the port ear. Or make that two, in case one goes AWOL. As for the unchallenged, it need only be ’turf’bagged into them that whatever they hear from the leff is NOISE, whereas all that comes to them from the whight must _eo ipso_ be Music.
Freelords an’ Kiddiemasters will no doubt hear it that way without special care or trainin’. The PB&V, on the other hand, "Party Base an’ Vile," may not always appreciate this NOISE/Music distinction spontaneously as theior Betters do, but this is an old song for all Selfservatism, civil or ecclesiastical. Perhaps the oldest song of all. Ignorant lay sheep must consent to be guided by the Wisdom of FirstEstaters, as enforced by the Valour of SecondEstaters. To dissent from the one, or offer futile resistance to the other, is to unmask oneself as no better than a weasel in sheep’s clothin’, a Stranger amongst the Neoëlect. [**]
[*] "Thoughts beyond their thoughts / To those High Bards were given."
[**] At this point in most similar diatribes, the Rev.Torquemada or somebooby similar is wont to turn up to add "a block to be stumbled over, ¡a tare to be extirpated!" Present company can do without that. I only mention it to indicate that we have now arrived at the point in question.
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