28 July 2012

Note on the Correlation of Farces

Dear Dr. Bones,

This one runs off the rails halfway to its destination, no thanks to Paddy McTammany.  I do, however, confess to being too lazy to rewrite it completely now that I have figured out how Kravitz, Esq., was taken advantage of by incompetent boondocks journalism.

[new] Brown just racking up endorsements, but Warren has Hollywood

Impressive endorsements by Brown. Former Mayor Ray Flynn, former Worcester Mayor Konnie Luke’s (both Democrats), America’s Mayor Rudy Giuliani, and now Bloomberg. Shows just how independent Brown really is.

Not too long ago, Obama and Bloomberg had breakfast together. Methinks Obama wants his endorsement, no?

Now, if Menino endorses Brown, or nobody, that will be the nail in the coffin for Warren, we all agree, right? Of course, she can fly in Matt Damon, Barbara Streisand, and Jon Bon Jovi.

danfromwaltham @ Fri 27 Jul 12:39 PM

[new] Yawn

I am sure that you are not especially influenced by endorsements by outsiders. Why do you think anyone else will be?

hrs-kevin @ Fri 27 Jul 5:26 PM

What Terry Troll thinks about this

(( fold here ))

(and most other things with which the Party neocomrade vexes the Blue Blazers) amounts to not much more than to strikin’ back at Lieberalism, and Democracy, and "the Democrat Party," and pinky-ringed Union Thugs, and [whomever], with such recent whight-wing talkin’ points as the Party neocomrade happens to remember off hand. That is to say, speed of response and volume of fire plainly count for more than stratagem and marksmanship. Considered on its stand-alone merits, "See Michael Bloomberg an’ raise you Barbra Streisnd" is about as dumb as Freedumb Fighters get.

Now the serious student cannot be sure that General the Freelord of Fehrnstrom has instructed his troops to behave like that. There are a lot of ’no-count trailer-trash guerillas around nowadays, crank amateurs accountable to nobooby. Nevertheless, his freelordship MAY have issued some such directive, seeing that it definitely makes sense in some encounters. Verbally, at any rate, "throw the kitchen sink" sounds like a thoroughly traditional strategy for the Party of Grant & Hoover (& Goldwater & Atwater) to adopt.

Still, ’tis a GOOD traditional strategy only to the extent that we donkeys approximate to being a "Party of Lee," as it were, subtle scalpel wielders rather than bloody-minded butchers. That little lady from the Big University did drool of our (¿?) alleged Intellectual Bottom the other day, but I fear that is mostly pious viennasausage and fatuous self-esteeming on Her Beatitude’s part, a sort of tasteless bluff and bluster far more becomin’ to virile gander Republicanines than to us silly geese.

Perhaps at this point, though, we should hear from Il Primo Uomo Blu, who started the thread rolling:
Really rich guy endorses Scott Brown [updated]
david | Fri, Jul 27, 2012 11:38 AM EST

Surprised? I didn’t think so – after all, Scott Brown has raised epic amounts of money from Goldman Sachs and other denizens of Wall Street. You might be a bit more surprised to hear that the really, really rich guy in question is New York City’s mayor, Michael Bloomberg, who announced yesterday that he is backing Brown. (( ... ))
There is no call to be surprised by His Honor (that I can see). Kravitz, Esq., disappoints a little, though, inasmuch as he sounds exactly like Our Miss Sappy [1] when he starts explaining what it was in the NYTC piece about Bloomberg that surprised him.

Over in the shyster community they like to say Expressio unius, exclusio alterius, a maxim which implies that Kravitz, Esq., must have missed what we ourselves found a little remarkable, namely a perfect willingness on the part of the New York Times Company wage slave to explain Citizen Bloomberg’s innermost secret-sector motives to his Corporation’s customers. One could hardly have been told with fewer winks and nods that the Mayor pretends to back S. Philip Fratboy (R-MA) because of some nonsense about gun control, but really is only worried about "buck control," if one may thus christen Perfesser Warren’s only-too-‘hammering’ monomania.

¡¡¡ ******* !!!

¡Oops! No, wait a minute. Paddy and Eye naturally assumed that a kulchur voucher like IPUB, Il Primo Uomo Blu, would have read all about it in the NYTC’s adult or metropolitan edition, just as we had already done ourselves, learning from the very first sentence / paragraphette that "Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, one of the most outspoken defenders of Wall Street, has sided against one of the financial industry’s biggest critics in a hotly contested Senate race in his native Massachusetts." Not until the third sentence / paragraphette do we start being fed press-release baloney, "Mr. Bloomberg, through a spokesman, said his endorsement was not about Wall Street at all, but about his desire to reward Mr. Brown for voting against his party and the National Rifle Association on a gun control measure."

Kravitz, Esq., has relied, a little shockingly, on that far-exurban NYTC daughter product, the BossTown (NY) Globe, which really did more or less just reprint the P. R. put out by Bloomberg Intergalactic LLC.

Our local-franchise yocals stepped off with "Michael R. Bloomberg, the billionaire mayor of New York, waded into one of the nation’s fiercest Senate races and threw his financial and rhetorical support behind Senator Scott Brown on Thursday."  They get around to mentioning St. Elizabeth’s disease only when they get around to Her Beatitude considered personally as Fratboy’s opponent:
Warren, who accepted the endorsement of the Massachusetts Credit Union League on Thursday, pounced on Bloomberg’s backing as evidence that Brown champions the interests of major financial institutions.

“Today, Scott Brown stands with Wall Street, and I stand with every credit union in the Commonwealth,” she said at her campaign headquarters in Somerville.

A vocal defender of Wall Street, Bloomberg may chafe at Warren’s persistent criticism of the financial sector and big banks.

But Loeser, the Bloomberg spokesman, said that was not the basis for the endorsement and declined to comment on Warren’s candidacy.
If "Loeser, the Bloomberg spokesman" said as much to the NYTC suburban reporter, both the challenge to comment and the response have been admirably suppressed.  [2]

Happy days.

[1] For those of them at Rio Limbaugh: Sappy formally signs her bankcard authorizations as "Sapientia Conventionalis, Ph. D."

Though Paddy and Eye hate to agree with Her Freelordship, Jasonne, Duchess of Sanseverino-by-the-Sea,

about anything at all, yet in this context it is difficult to forget how his freeladyship used to bark that "The Boston Glob" is expressly produced for suchvolks as prefer their news a day or two stale.

The backwoods Lilliputians must, I mean, have been aware of how Big Brother was covering the same story down in the bright lights of the Big City.  It is not as if His Honor had been vacationing on Nantucket and offered the globaloney purveyors a special interview.

Happy days.

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