22 July 2012

Chick-fil-A (®) loves Bessie

None of the Blue Blazers or their parasites seem to have bothered

(( fold here ))

to look at the product rather than the propaganda.

Having just done so, Paddy McTammany has to wonder if the Athens of Suffolk County is not being subtly spoofed or kidded: Chick-fil-A (®) does prole food.   It does prole food that would lower the sociogastronomic tone of Upper Revere Beach Drive.

¡If ever there was a case for applying that hoary jurisprudential maxim De minimis non curet Menino!

My hypothesis therefore is that C-f-A made a deal with His Honor: they'd pretend to want to invade the Cradle of Liberty, and he'd pretend to be zealous to keep them out. Both parties look good that way to elements of their base (and possibly vile) constituencies, C-f-A with redstate liberal-haters and the Mayor with . . . well, you know.

Neither side, as I conjecture, seriously wants anything to happen. Meanwhile we close students of the Boston Herald get a welcome break from "All Fehrnstrom all the time."

Happy days.

P.S. Especially suited to the Silly Season, is the noble and inspirational C-f-A Cow Campaign:

In 1995, a renegade cow, paintbrush in mouth, painted the three words "EAT MOR CHIKIN" on a billboard. From that day forward, the burger-eating landscape would forever be changed. These fearless cows, acting in enlightened self-interest, realized that when people eat chicken, they don't eat them. Today, the cows’ herds have increased and their message reaches millions - on television, radio, the [I]nternet, and the occasional water tower. Needless to say, Chick-fil-A fully endorses and appreciates the monumental efforts made by our most beloved bovine friends.

Happy days.

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