09 May 2012

The Chivalry Watch

Dear Dr. Bones,

Another day, another dolor:

New poll suggests voters couldn’t care less about Cherokee-gate
david | Tue, May 8, 2012 11:08 PM EST

(...) [W]e’ve had the Herald-inspired and Team Brown-abetted kerfuffle over Elizabeth Warren’s Native American heritage. Why, the Herald has even hilariously dubbed her “Fauxcahontas” (keepin’ it classy, there, Track gals – maybe Ernie’s been right about you all along). Surely, this has devastated her standing in the polls! Surely, Massachusetts voters are outraged, or at least deeply, deeply concerned! Nope. Rasmussen’s latest poll, conducted yesterday, came out today. Result: a 45-45 tie, not significantly different from a month ago. So, there you go.
The chivalrous white knights to her rescue

There are lots of white knights rallying around the beleagured sinking woman right now, just because they feel bad for her. But she still is trying to deny that she engaged in a sham that hurt real minorities and benefited her.

This is just a goodbye group hug, and now they’ll look into who else is on the ballot.

dont-get-cute @ Wed 9 May 2:03 AM

To which Paddy McTammany might have responded

Dr. Cuteless has her Pangloss side too, then,

 (( fold here ))

though the original poster has to win this morning’s factional self-complacency contest.

To distinguish a little, though: the researches of Comrade Silver, the ‘538’ man at the New York Times Company, suggest that it may really be the case that if Citizen Rasmussen professes to detect a tie, Team Reaction is probably behind a little. As I recall, Silver even decided that Rasmussen’s thumb on the scale is a provable phænomenon like the supposed precession of the equinoxes. Or even the Great Global Warmin’ Hoax itself. Social Scientism and I are not on good enough terms, however, for me to be entirely confident about such demonstrations.

Rasmussen, then, *may* provide primâ facie grounds for a bit of lizwarrentable self-esteem and other ethical-intellectual slacking off. The Herald definitely does not. It is just a mistake (thinks Paddy) to expect that . . . hmm ... that organ to devastate anybooby’s standin’ in the polls. The _Herald_ does not do what the ‘development’ goodvolks over to H*rv*rd (used to) call ‘outreach’. They’ve got what they’ve got, customerbasewise, the BH does. And that is that, there ain’t gonnabe no more.

As has been frequent alleged by better allegators than this one, NO bricks-and-mortar fishwrap can pull off the devastation trick now that the

(( Age of Breitbartius ))

is so radiantly dawnin’ upon us.

Happy days.

You might have a word with your graduate students, sir, about exactly what sort of sarcasm it is when a Freedame Cuteless starts goin’ on ’bout "chivalrous white knights."


Happy days.

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