31 May 2012

The Age of Breitbartius _Dawn Treader_ for Thursday, 31 May 2012

Dear Dr. Bones,

Here, with no more ado  &c. &c.

Liberal columnist on Warren
bluemaxxx | Wed, May 30, 2012 7:29 PM EST

Brian McGrory of the _Globe_ wrote today:
But let’s not ever lose sight of one true thing in this or any other political race: The most important issues are the candidates themselves, and more specifically, their integrity, credibility, and authenticity. 
Which is why Elizabeth Warren’s ­Cherokee ancestry, almost certainly ­declared on federal forms by Warren herself and used by a pair of Ivy League universities to tout their diversity efforts, all without an ounce of proof that she has a drop of Indian blood flowing through her veins, matters. It matters a great deal. 
Speaking as adults here, the elephant in the room is whether Warren wrongly claimed minority status to improve her prospects for being hired to teach at ­Harvard Law School, and before that, the University of Pennsylvania Law School. The more obvious question might even be, why else would she have done it?”
This is exactly my point – Elizabeth Warren needs to come clean or this situation will fester….and even _Globe_ columnists will not let it drop.

Before you say no one but the _Globe_ cares about this issue, visit this website:


The Cherokees care!!!

Which is why Elizabeth Warren’s ­Cherokee ancestry, almost certainly ­declared on federal forms by Warren herself

and this is , almost certainly, a WAG

whosmindingdemint @ Wed 30 May 10:27 PM

What is a WAG?

If it means “bizarre line with no apparent basis in reality,” I’m with you. I have no idea where McGrory gets that. Or this:

the elephant in the room is whether Warren wrongly claimed minority status to improve her prospects for being hired to teach at ­Harvard Law School
We’ve been over this. There is virtually zero possibility that this happened.

david @ Thu 31 May 12:31 AM


(( fold here ))

The Massachusetts Democrat Party’s split from Warren and second look at DeMarco (sic) is also evidenced by Warren’s reliance on out-of-state groups for her support, as previously reported by Breitbart News. "A report and chart at Masslive.com 

indicate that Elizabeth Warren is not running a Massachusetts-based campaign when it comes to fund raising. The bulk of her money seems to come from out-of-state...," that, as incumbent Republican Scott Brown’s support is far more state-based. Thus, the state-based Democrat Party (sic) is coming to the conclusion that DeFranco needs to be given a chance to test Warren prior to any general election, even if she ultimately doesn’t defeat her in the primary.

With submission, Paddy McForelock thinks the above qualifies as a wag.

Happy days.

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