14 July 2012

Life after Seamus

Dear Dr. Bones,

Romney: the buck stops … somewhere else [updated]
david | Fri, Jul 13, 2012 5:43 PM EST

(( ... snip body of post as irrelevant to the McPun, though not bad in itself ... ))

(( baincappin' in progress ))

If you’re looking for stopped bucks,

(( fold here ))

the the learnèd wikipædiatricians may afford some guidance:

[T]he following jurisdictions are considered the major destinations for offshore finance:

* BERMUDA, which is market leader for captive insurance, and also has a strong presence in offshore funds and aircraft registration.

* BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS, which has the largest number of offshore companies.

* CAYMAN ISLANDS, which has the largest value of assets under management in offshore funds, and is also the strongest presence in the U.S. securitisation market.

* JERSEY is the most international of the British Crown dependencies, all of which can be counted as offshore centres. Jersey has particularly strong banking and funds management sectors and a high concentration of professional advisers including lawyers and fund managers.

* LUXEMBOURG, which is the market leader in Undertakings for Collective Investments in Transferable Securities (UCITS, pronounced YOU-sits) and is believed to be the largest offshore Eurobond issuer, although no official statistics confirm this.

* NEW ZEALAND, the most remote jurisdiction, has the advantage of being a true primary jurisdiction but with a tough but practical regulatory regime. It is well positioned for the Asian market but retains close ties to Europe.

* SINGAPORE has recently risen in stature as a centre for wealth management and ranked fourth in the world in the 2009 Global Financial Centres Index. The state is a hub for hedge funds and its private banking industry is growing at a rate of 30 per cent annually.

As a number of observers have pointed out, Switzerland has somehow fallen from grace with the One Percenters.

It seems to me, possibly wrongly, that the Wiki volks are a good deal more sympathetic with buckstoppers and buckstoppin’ than one might expect, given that most references to them in our backwater media are bitterly factious and hostile. In addition to "List of offshore financial centres," referenced above, see under "Offshore financial centre" and "Tax haven."

Happy days.

The unjô-bito or "cærulean nobility and gentry who dwell aloft on the Great Blue Hill, hard by the Palace of Public Tubavision

on Market Street in 02135" manage to have a really remarkable amount of fun kicking that thread around, mostly because they asked one of their pet parasites to the feast, call him "The Troll of Waltham."

The Troll takes the line (( @Fri 13 Jul 7:47 PM )) that "By Monday, this will all backfire and you will be talking about Seamus again."

Nothing is less likely, I’d guess, but in any case the really interesting question is whether Their Worships have all stayed home from the beaches, and the mountains, and even the Caramoor Music Festival at Katonah NY itself, to argue with Danzo the Clown.

Nowdays, however, the gentry could all be out in their murder vehicles riding the roads of Greater New Iceland, each texting superior insights about reality-basing from her own private cell. There is no way to tell that Paddy and Eye can think of.

¿But perhaps the Muses and you can suggest one, Dr. Bones?

Happy days.

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