02 July 2012

Introducing CutelessCare

Dear Dr. Bones,

As usual Paddy and Eye disapprove of wasting a lot of time trying to figure out whether trendy neoreactionaries like Dr. Cuteless "really believe" in their own

McCain’s alternative was more honest, he should introduce it again
dont-get-cute | Mon, Jul 2, 2012 1:46 AM EST

So Romney can’t offer a credible alternative to the Affordable Care Act, since ObamaCare is based on RomneyCare. But there is a viable alternative that was proposed by John McCain, who beat Romney for the nomination in 2008 with this plan.

People were up in arms against McCain about how his plan would “tax healthcare” because it would treat employer health insurance contributions as taxable income, which they totally are.

But we can see now that McCain’s plan was way more honest about calling a tax a tax, and then spending to provide for the general welfare, by giving everyone a refundable tax credit to use with a regulated insurer on the national market, to buy as much insurance as they wanted, from a minimum of curable diseases and treatable injuries without subsidizing abortion or contraception or sex change operations.

McCain’s plan also would have smoothly moved people to individual plans and allowed businesses to drop coverage and focus on their business, without screwing over their workers, who would all smoothly transition to individual plans for no cost. Warren knows that businesses are burdened by the present system, that was the main reason she advocated for Single Payer. But McCains plan accomplishes that without mandating coverage or moving to single payer, just by offering these individual plans to everyone free of charge and automatically.

McCain should re-introduce his bill, he’s still a Senator. His bill was and is better, less coercive and offensive and expensive. Maybe Palin will pick him to be her running mate.

 Bologna und Wienerwurst.

This morning's delivery from the Wingnut Deli does, however, tempt us more than most to break our own regulations, given a Big Picture in which it seems quite clear that if America's Otherparty does manage to get all those patients disprotected again and their medical affordabilities squelched, that will be the end of the matter. The second bark of "¡Repeal an' replace!" is, for practical purposes, about as close to a flat-out lie as the Daughters of Virtue & Sons of Wisdom (LLC) allow themselves.

To look on the positive (sort of) or flip side, the one thing competent whightist agitproppers say about public medicine that raises no question whatsoever about their subjective sincerity is that our holy Homeland™ already possesses "the Best in the World." One need not even specify the Best what, exactly, though naturally we shall here be talking about nondeductibles and hospitals and copayments and wunnerdrugs and quacks and all that healthcare jazz in particular. In that area, "¡We're Nummer One!" is laughably counterfactual just by itself, yet many whightists go farther, claimin' that Uncle Sam already has "the Best (medical) System in the world," thereby committin' themselves to the dotty fancy that under all the visible doo-doo prances a pony named System. [1]

As with Mlle. de la Main Invisible an' the Confidence Fairy, only the Pure of Heart (LLC) have ever actually beheld this marvelous critter. But that is quite OK, for, as whightist agitprop likes to remind us rather too often, Uncle Sam certainly does host the Best Dogmatic Mythology--the largest quantity of volks-religionism, that is--in the world, making the Homeland™ers far more likely to go along with "¡Shut your eyes and clap your hands!" than are cold and cynical Lesser Breeds Without. Paddy and Eye think one might even say that any self-described Americanoe who insists on actually seeing evidence for Our NummerOneness is a criminalien spiritually if not literally a wetback: ¡beati qui non viderent et crediderunt!, Ev. Iohan. XX, 29.

We go on about this angle, of course, because of the ever-immortal BBP, Boston Brahmin Principle.   If Our NummerOneness be one’s point of departure, well, there can be no point in making the trip. ¿Why should a dowager wingnutette like Dr. Cuteless travel for her health care, even with the posthonourable and neogallant J. Sidney McCain as tour guide, when, obviously, her freeladyship is already here? Shoud the freedame sail off into the sunrise beyond Hull anyway, Paddy and Eye trust we may be excused for guessing that her freeladyship has gone a-slummin' as, I fear, a few Victorian Brahminesses appear to have done also, sallying forth to inspect the shanties of the Irish and the cooking utensils of the Cannibal Isles chiefly to reassure themselves that the Athens of Suffolk County really is the hub of the universe. Or damnwell oughtabe.

[1] If it amuses you, Dr. Bones, to hold the kiddiecons’ noses to the AEIdeological grindstone more strictly than they do themselves, notice that the doo-doo in question would be better off without the pony. "¡Whatever is, is whight!" can be called a ‘system’ only by courtesy, and by a kind of courtesy that could get one incinerated back in Ye Goode Olde Dayes. To recommend anythin' that may come to pass in the Holy Market on any grounds other than that it did in fact happen carries one nine-tenths of the way down the slippery slope to Psocialism, theoretically, in the battin’ of a wing.

In practice, fortunately, whight-wing selfservicers are no great shakes at thinkin' what they do, let alone at watchin’ what they think. Like mostvolks, the Daughters of Virtue & Sons of Wisdom (LLC) are happy enough to buy an occasional copy of Selfservicement for Dummies in which True Whighteousness has been diluted down into a vulgar Peruna that features rules, and guidelines, and checklists, and neostandarized tests--hustled, that is, into bein’ precisely a System.

There are a number of ideoproducts of this general type available, adapted to a wide range of meanness of intelligence. At the top stand (we guess) the Classmates of Governor Romney, who is H*rv*rd Victory School M.B.A. ’75. At the bottom, Ann Baron Coulteress, say, or perhaps Don Jonasito de Lucianne y Steinberger, invincible bozoes. For Market reasons, presumably, such Otherparty potboilers cannot be entirely identical in their substance, meaning that from time to time one handy-dandy whightist checklist will differ from the next about the acceptable perimeters of selfservicement. At the moment, the Chief Justice of the United States is provokin' a remarkable variety of conflictin’ly ‘whight’ answers, all drawn from the back pages of one edition or another of Selfservicement for Dummies.

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