04 May 2012

¡Let's You and Them Fight!

Dear Dr. Bones,

This scribble I really do mean to post up on the Great Blue Hill, but I send a copy to the Muses and you, sir, first, so as to have our own copy of Neo-Admiral Kolchak, the Bozo Skipper, proposin' a toast to POTUS Mittens:

Or perhaps ’tis to the health of the Spirit of Baincappin’ that the festive neocomrades are about to drink,.which later, of course, is identical with the Spirit of Massachusetts.  Or at any rate indistinguishable from the Drift of the Pioneer Institution.

Where that well worth ‘borrowing’ photograph came from to begin with is a bit of a mystery. ¿Would you, or maybe Ms. Melpomene, happen to know whether there is a film of Comrade Bulgakov's Dni Turbìnovykh [1] [2] ?

But I digress.  Here's my draft placard with XXX where the image goes:

Meanwhile, back at the ranch,

 (( fold here ))

or, more exactly, back at XXX the WhightGuard Officers Mess, all these proceedings have not passed unnoticed:
More Awesome Hypocrisy from BMG! 
by: demolisher Tue May 01, 2012 at 21:56:11 PM EDT
in the current front page headline, Scott Brown takes advantage of Obamacare, in which david breathlessly decries Brown's living with the choices available to him through this awful law. GGW presses them in the comments, but they rally and, missing their own pot-kettle-black hypocrisy clue, move on to a comfortable lefty sort of place, in which Brown is just so, so bad here.[*]
But, when we ask if Warren paid the higher tax rate its like, OMG that is SO UN FAIR! You don't even under STAND! It doesn't even WORK THAT WAY! Stupid Republicans are all brainwashed or evil, don't ya know.
oops did I just say that?
(( Well, Paddy and Eye certainly think we just heard *somebooby* SAY it. ))

Happy days.
[*] My guess is that the much-esteemed Party neocomrade intended the word 'here' to be a link, perhaps to "The Secret Life of the People's Seat™warmer," otherwise known as Scott Brown’s Top Ten Sexist, Homophobic, and Racially Insensitive Moments

Happy days.
 [1] Since Paddy and Eye are up practicing my HTML, ¿how about this?

Days of the Turbans
(( Days of the Turbans ))

[2] Or, for those who prefer even their whightists green,

Days of the Turbines
(( Days of the Turbines ))

Hmm.  Might also pass for triffids, that crew.

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