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It was a dark and stormy night. The candidate presumptive had arrived at ...
Oh, ¡what the
Hull!, it’s much easier to just swiftswipe than make stuff up:
Moments after giving the keynote speech at the Young Democrats of Massachusetts convention, Warren and her handlers hustled out a rear exit of the SEIU 1199 offices in Dorchester. She climbed into the passenger side of an SUV and closed the door as a H*r*ld reporter ((‘troll’)) asked her a question and a photographer rolled video. “Professor Warren, we’re with the H*r*ld. Can you ...?” a H*r*ld reporter said to Warren as she hopped into the car. “She’s got to get going. I’m sorry,” a man who ushered Warren out of the building said. “Sorry, we’re running late.”Well, they’re running, anyway. Anybody with eyes can read that in . . . "¿Which ’paper did you say you were with, boy?" . . . .
The man then apologized for earlier closing two stairwell doors on the H*r*ld crew while it was hot on the heels of Warren and her entourage as they hustled out of the building. “I didn’t know you were behind me,” he said. Warren’s spokeswoman, Alethea Harney, declined to say where the candidate was headed after the Dorchester event.
Harney said Warren’s campaign was unaware that the H*r*ld crew had attended yesterday’s event. A H*r*ld reporter and photographer identified themselves by name and affiliation to event staff at the door and stated their intention to speak with Warren after her address. The campaign declined to make Warren available by telephone later in the day, and instead released the same statement it put out Friday, when U.S. Sen. Scott Brown urged [not Miskatonic] University to correct its records for the years it has reported having a Native American woman on its law school staff. The H*r*ld broke the story last month thatBut probably a semi-adequate inkling of the contents of last month’s Troll Times has percolated by now even up unto that azure plain that hosts the unjoo-bito, "Gentlemen who Dwell above the Clouds, on the upper slopes of the Great Blue Hill, hard by the Palace of Public Television on Market Street (¡hah!) in Bestembrighton MA 0213X." That is to say, the inspirational "gated community" concept still has some bugs to be worked out. Plus it might help if Their Worships thought about installing a few old-fashioned bricks-and-mortar-and-barbedwire portals to help keep trolldom (and Dorchester and the rest) at bay.
Don-it-yourself e-blinkers are not to be despised, but you can see, Dr. Bones, from my shameless plagiarism that the GBH nobility and gentry are now faced with a really determined Class enemy. For example, of 465 words in the whole article, nine (9.0) are the name of the fishwrap pr*d*ct. You and Paddy and Eye have often discussed how Party Neocomradess M. X. Eagan does that cute "¡Go H*r*ld!" _shtyk_ of hers without stint or limit for all the lucky duckies tuned into WKKK-FM 96.9.
Perhaps one may speak of ‘hypertrolls’
The handlers of Faculty-Lounge Lizzie may be trying to work the fas est et ab hoste doceri _shtyk_ for their team. Accordin’ to, oddly enough, "the Herald crew,"
Earlier this week, Warren REPEATEDLY dodged on-camera questions about her ancestry from a Fox 25 reporter, responding instead with talking points about her campaign and its emphasis on middle-class families.Unfortunately, repetitituition as such avails little. No matter how often one dodges and redodges, if it be dodging at all, then the over-all initiative remains with the Class Enemy.
What Her Beatitude requires at the moment is more like
a unilteral and preëmptive strike. Paddy and Eye have agreed on that analysis, but of course we have no idea where one goes to buy or lease such a gizmo. Should the Muses or yourself, sir, happen to know, please get in touch at once with the New Iceland Society for the Prevention and Cure of Political Incompetence--formerly known, I believe, as the "Now Let Us Promote General Coakley to Senator" committee--as soon as you can.
Happy days.
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