05 September 2012

Mau-Mauing the _Fehrnstrom Fishwrap_ Part 3.14164[b] of an occasional series)

Dear Dr. Bones,

sunapee ? +3 -1

Let me get this straight. If I vote for Romney than I Am being a bully? Never heard of an opposing vote being described that way. How about ,Obama had 4 years,we are not better off,so I will vote for the candidate whom I think will do the job? No bullying here, unless it’s being done by desperadoes.

Posted 4 hours ago Reply Link Abusive

Q. "If I vote for Romney than (_sic_) I Am being a bully?

(( fold here ))

A. Not exactly. Your Fehrnstrom Fishwrap Republicanines an kiddie selfservatives are virtuous despite themselves, as it were, for ’tis not easy to bully anybooby *too* dreadfully in the politics of a democratic province where the wreckin crew of choice cannot enroll one whole voter out of every eight who register Or elect one Congresscritter in a delegation of nine.

Still, who can listen to talk radio funded specifically for the benefit of Louisedayhicksvillains and not get the impression that alottavolks would sure LIKE to bully? Indeed, anything else would make no sense. Why be even nominally affiliated with America’s Otherparty unless "NO MORE MISTER NICE GUY!!" presses most of your buttons? NMMNG! a long-term Utopia perhaps, around here, rather than some real-an-present redstatist nightmare down in or near dirty Dixie or AK-49. But ’tis NMMNG! all the same.

Big Paddy -- "For those of you at Rio Limbaugh": Eye refers to the Governor of us all, successor to your guy (hah!), Mittius Coriolanus Pompo of Mass.-medical memory -- can pass for Mr. Nice Guy. In a lot of ways. Up to a certain point. And especially by comparison with.

Your 2010 Peanuts character, Charlie Brown, or Scottie Baker, or whatever that clown’s bobhancock was, exactly, did his best to terminate the niceguy infestation, but Baker’s Best turned out to be remarkably far from good enough. Doubtless your Dr. Limbaugh will bark that if only Master Zeroe had let his inner nastiness rip, Big Paddy would be on the outside looking in, Dixie-fashion, where we Irish all belong. However, your Fabulous Fernie Fehrnstrom, who certainly knows our poor MA better than the Witchdoctor of Democracy, a Fruit of Cape Girardeau, knows Her, did not campaign it that way. Fernie wouddabin an idiot if he had.

At the moment, Fabulous Fernie is layin on the niceguy with a dumptruck so as to smooth the path of his second-string Charlie McCarthy, the much-esteemed People’s Seatwarmer. Hard not to think about half the ’hicksvillains barf into their cabbage an potatoes every time they hear yet another "Scott Brown radio minute." Poor betrayed Wally Wombschool ferociously craves a stout Slayer of Niceguys, an’ what does Fabulous Fernie have to give him? A Folder of Laundry!

Why somebody even took his freeladyship,

His Freeladyship of S.-W.
(( Jasonne, Dukess of Sanseverino-Wellesley, by Ignoto ))

off the air again! (That schedule change must, Eye thinks, have been the fingers of Fehrnstrom at work somehow. Still, there IS such a thing as paranoia.) ¡The Bestembrightest are become a leaderless flock of wolf wannabes once more!. Her freelordship was a sort of walkin, squawkin Apotheosis of Disnicety. S/he/it gave Paddy and Eye a lot of innocent merriment along ¡NMMNG! lines, though of course we cannot feel too sorry to lose one who might conceivably have had a bad influence on dittopans of immature age.

If this keeps up much longer, we may all die of a political sweet tooth.

The only silver lining Paddy and Eye can descry is the llBU, little lady from the BIG UNIVERSITY.

Though undoubtedly part of the Intellectual Bottom of icky Mass. niceguyism, Citizeness Warren of H*rv*rd has a definite edge to her. Don’t take our word, just go ask Howard Laurence (?) Lewis (??) Carr to tell you a few tales about his granny’s Edge. Too much of an edge for her own good has the llBU, who is probably doomed unless the Good Guy High Command can find her a Fehrnstrom-class handler pronto.

So maybe there is hope for us all?

Happy days.

(( PS. If you do see Massa Howie, tell him we are STILL waiting for that birth certificate. ))

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