27 December 2012

Comrade Eagan Perseveres

Dear Dr. Bones,

The hired hands over to The Frathouse Fishwrap seem uncertain (not verified) that their own Employin Corporation's St. Bridgit of the Lace Curtain actually scribbled this scribble. The Muses and you, sir, and Eye and Paddy have, of course, long known how much Her Beatitude enjoys doin her Rosa Luxemburg impersonation. To question the authenticity is absurd. It is pleasant to find that Radical Eaganitarianism has survived the shipwreck of Mittius Coriolanus Pompo an The Smirk o' Janesville.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012 -- Anonymous (not verified)
Margery Eagan [1]
Margery Eagan [2]
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Vicki’s the right woman for the job

I say run, Vicki, run! (( &c. &c. ))

Now what Paddy decided to (mostly) spare the Fishwrappers an their peanut-gallery peanuts runs as follows:

Paddy McTammany does not exactly AGREE with St. Bridgit of the Lace Curtain here, but there is a certain convergence for once. Paddy is, as me johnhancock de guerre proudly proclaims, a Demoncrat first, and ... and what comes second is unimportant.

You will have worked out (just from this scribble, but there is lots more on the record) that H.B. is some oddly-blended Ratzingerite feminist, interested in Citizeness Kennedy because (firstly) it is a 'she' and (secondly) because it is a correligiatrix, and not at all (as far as Eye can make out) because ¡The Party of K*nn*dy is the Party of America!

Oops, that was the NON convergence. Eye begs your pardon. The fun part is "a tough, good ol’ boy Louisiana political clan ... Phi Beta Kappa out of Tulane, summa cum laude from its law school and known as a relentless negotiator settling banking and bankruptcy cases in the Washington, D.C., law firm." Team that C.V. up with that of 'Foxohantas' and, !begorrah!, the Fearless Funders of Freedumb may well lose their freelordly epithet. ¡Imagine TWO such J.D.-equipped harpies

Liz & Vicky

descending uninvited on ScroogeBank, or BainCap, or Warbucks Defense Widget, or Messrs. les frères Koch!

It works both ways, of course: the Scroogies an the Kochoholics with all their conservile scabs an lackeys an all the Whight Host of Rupertoids are bound to see the spread-eagled vickysaurus comin for em an make some really neoheroic efforts to repurchase a People’s Seat™ for Senator-Reject Fehrnstrom

Fabulous Fehriie!

an The Shirtless Cosmopolitan. Ah, well: ¡May the plushest and flushest carpetbags win!

¡Y permitanme VVd. desearles "Happy days."!

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