27 December 2012

Comrade Eagan Perseveres

Dear Dr. Bones,

The hired hands over to The Frathouse Fishwrap seem uncertain (not verified) that their own Employin Corporation's St. Bridgit of the Lace Curtain actually scribbled this scribble. The Muses and you, sir, and Eye and Paddy have, of course, long known how much Her Beatitude enjoys doin her Rosa Luxemburg impersonation. To question the authenticity is absurd. It is pleasant to find that Radical Eaganitarianism has survived the shipwreck of Mittius Coriolanus Pompo an The Smirk o' Janesville.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012 -- Anonymous (not verified)
Margery Eagan [1]
Margery Eagan [2]
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Vicki’s the right woman for the job

I say run, Vicki, run! (( &c. &c. ))

Now what Paddy decided to (mostly) spare the Fishwrappers an their peanut-gallery peanuts runs as follows:

Paddy McTammany does not exactly AGREE with St. Bridgit of the Lace Curtain here, but there is a certain convergence for once. Paddy is, as me johnhancock de guerre proudly proclaims, a Demoncrat first, and ... and what comes second is unimportant.

You will have worked out (just from this scribble, but there is lots more on the record) that H.B. is some oddly-blended Ratzingerite feminist, interested in Citizeness Kennedy because (firstly) it is a 'she' and (secondly) because it is a correligiatrix, and not at all (as far as Eye can make out) because ¡The Party of K*nn*dy is the Party of America!

Oops, that was the NON convergence. Eye begs your pardon. The fun part is "a tough, good ol’ boy Louisiana political clan ... Phi Beta Kappa out of Tulane, summa cum laude from its law school and known as a relentless negotiator settling banking and bankruptcy cases in the Washington, D.C., law firm." Team that C.V. up with that of 'Foxohantas' and, !begorrah!, the Fearless Funders of Freedumb may well lose their freelordly epithet. ¡Imagine TWO such J.D.-equipped harpies

Liz & Vicky

descending uninvited on ScroogeBank, or BainCap, or Warbucks Defense Widget, or Messrs. les frères Koch!

It works both ways, of course: the Scroogies an the Kochoholics with all their conservile scabs an lackeys an all the Whight Host of Rupertoids are bound to see the spread-eagled vickysaurus comin for em an make some really neoheroic efforts to repurchase a People’s Seat™ for Senator-Reject Fehrnstrom

Fabulous Fehriie!

an The Shirtless Cosmopolitan. Ah, well: ¡May the plushest and flushest carpetbags win!

¡Y permitanme VVd. desearles "Happy days."!

19 December 2012

Mau-Mauing _The Fishhouse Fratwrap_ (continued)

Dear Dr. Bones,

The joke is nearly as old as the hills, but it remains amusing to watch trailer-trash serviles an conserviles pride themselves on bein far shrewder than Lieberals an Demoncrats an H*rv*rds an Massa Howie's "Booty-Full People." [*]

December 18, 2012 - 11:19am
By Associated Press

(( ... snip text, move whight on to peanut gallery ... ))

Boehner should [hire] a ghost writer who claims to be a prominent Democrat, then Harry Reid might attempt to read it. If Boehner were to send a bill up to the Senate that was plagiarized from Elizabeth Warren, Reid would still table it if he thought a Republican wrote it. Nice way for the Senate Majority Leader to 'compromise'. You Demobrats should be ashamed of your leadership.

Posted 20 hours 5 min ago (( 12/19/2012 07:56 ))

Ad quem responduisset Patricius McTammany

(P1) It's true that the Comrade Majority Leader is, or possibly just takes care to appear to be, trying to give mental mediocrity its day in the political sun. Alas, Senator Reid does more resemble Senator-Reject Fehrnstrom an his Charlie McCarthy, the Shirtless Cosmopolitan, than he resembles Albert Einstein and Senator-Elect Warren, bestembrightnesswise.

(P2) But that's only in idiot-general. Specifically as regards the latest scabbery from Johannes Freiherr von Böhner, a donkey would have to be comatose to be fooled by relabeling. Stand-up guys for the Fearless Funders of Freedumb an for their firstlordships' Classmates an Class interest -- stout neoheroes who stand up for TopPercenterdom in the way and to the extent that the Party of Grant and Hoover (& ... & Carr & Tarr & Fattheadlund) have always stuck up for em -- speaks for itself. What it says is "I play the astroturfbagpipe, Massa. ?Which song shall it be this evenin?"

(P3) Happy days.

(PS) A little goosey-gander therapy works well here: though the Stooopid Party has long been unmasked for what it is, yet I betcha very few Congressional wads of Tee Putty would vote for an increase in Ponzi Security handouts, say, or for an attempt to protect patients and render medicine affordable, simply on the grounds that The Smirk o' Janesville or James Freelord DeMint, the Heritagitarian Hogen-Mogen, were supposedly sponsorin these bills. Most of the Republicanine kennel can scarcely be accused of *thinkin* for themselves, yet inarticulate animal instinct (IAI) does go some way to make up for one's bein cleverness-challenged.

Moreover, nobooby who calls meself "Paddy McTammany" believes that a Party of Pure Cleverness would last ten days. Hormones and IAI and cheering mostly for the color of the jerseys -- "cupboard love" even, in moderation -- have a major role to play . An undispensable rôle. Though naturally all these sewer-of-Romulus things work out better when WE (good guys) do them.

Happy days.

The (P1) ... (P2) ... (P3) ... baloney is there due to the Fratwrappers' new whightware, which makes it impossible to compose more than one paragraph. The object, I guess, is to muzzle that icky thought stuff but allow the home-team hormone-basers of Louisedayhicksville enough latitude in which to boooo an hissss.

It appears, though, that letters with diacritics -- especially such as appear in the Muttersprache of Señoras las indocumentadas y Señores los crimenajenos -- are still strengst verboten. ¡But Hengist knows best!

Happy days.

[*] "Booty-full people" is rather more tiefgehend than you perhaps see at once, Dr. Bones.

Massa Howie's ambidexterous contempt an resentment gainst both TopPercenters an Bad Poor is a matter of his freelordship supposin that both are somehow makin off with more booty than Howie an the Whight B'hoys can get their paws on. Indeed, a definer could define that blessèd and mysterious soundbark "The Middle Class" in such a way as to make Howard Louis (?) Lawrence (??) Caaa the ideal TMC poster b'hoy. What his freelordship would be located whight in the middle of, however, would not be equal numbers of detested swindlers above an below, but rather hatreds of equal psychological intensity. Since there are of course many more affirmatively loathsome Bad Poor below Massa Howie's home level than undeservin "beautiful people" above it, on a _per capita_ basis, BeePees overhead are, in a way, Howie-hated worse than are BeePees under the jackboot.

Eye and Paddy realize, though, that this sort of subjectivity is not much use for detailed analysis. In that resepect, it is like the rationale for progressive taxation that hinges on the supposed psychological utility of the last buck old Ebb Scrooge, or young Ollie Warbucks, or mediocre Massa Howie -- any of The Classma™es or their scabs -- get hold of at the margin. Still, though this 'utility' cannot be quantified reliably, it certainly in some sense exists and can, we think, afford a sound enough basis for us mere moralisers to be getting on with.

Let us know what you think, please, if it be not too much trouble.

18 December 2012

Pscenarios for an Institution

Dear Dr. Bones,

’Tis allegator tears time again at the G.O.P. Corral:

Allegator Tears
(( "¡Qué lástima!" ))

That is to say, Paddy has just spotted a Blue Blazer who with supreme (?) self-altruism worries about the fate of our local boondocks franchise of America’s Otherparty:

Republican State Committee Chairman Election Coming Up
kate | Mon, Dec 17, 2012 2:18 AM EST

Anyone have any thoughts on the Chairmanship of the Republican State Committee? It looks like a number of candidates are in the mix. I was reminded of David’s post from four years ago.
Any insights from our friends on the other side of the aisle?

Comrade Kravitz’ post referred to "... a MA statute requiring political parties to select a chairman within 10 days after presidential elections (...) Who’s running the GOP ship, such as it is? Are they flouting state law in refusing to select a chairman within the statutorily-required time? What has happened to the party of law ’n’ order?" (( &c. &c. ))

One hopes not to get decoyed off on some dotty Rulalaw tangent, naturally, but let Paddy at least point out

(A) that whoever may be producin an directin

(( The Wreck of the ‘Fehrnstrom’ ))

at the moment, it definitely ain’t the BoZo Skipper, who has neglected the WhightGuard Officers Mess shamelessly of late. In forty-three (43?) days since Blue Tuesday, Breitbartius Junior has managed to emit a single (1.0) "Five Things Yoo should know today." !Yoo Thin productivity is down on a positively Hooverworthy scale! It ought to be 5.0 per diem -- 3.57, if one assume that his freelordship goes off yachtin religiously on palaeosabbaths an neosabbaths -- but what we actually have is a paltry 02.33 Yoo Items. ¡Tusk, tusk!
To be sure, the BoZo Skipper never put himself under any obligation to the General Court of the sort that (according to Comrade Kravitz, Esq.) the Bozo Community as a whole have. His freelordship never promised even the ensigns an J.G.’s of his own wardroom a five-yoogramme daily dose. ¡Irresponsible an unaccountable an perfectly safe from litigation is Breitbartius Junior! The ensigns an J. G.’s, by the way, don’t seem to be doin any better than usual at gettin a word of their own in edgewise. When the BoZo Skipper sulks, the Officers Mess sulks whight along with their master, willy-nilly. And ¡what a sulk it has been! Why, it seems an eternity since his freelordship last whined bout Comrade Kravitz, Esq., obnoxiously refusing to discuss Perfesser (as She then was) Foxochantas’ license to practice law in Massachusetts. (The last whimper dates from 25 October 2012, if you believe the WhightGuard search engine.)

who has given us only one (1.0) Five Point Plan in

Ad quem responduisset Patricius McTammany

(( Potential or actual or esprit-d’escalier kneejerk occasioned by the Blue Challenge )) Happy days.

(( Concluding unscientific postscript )) Happy days. --JHM

07 December 2012

Good Queen BHES

Dear Dr. Bones,

Rachelle leur belle got me a little carried away, maybe.

(royalrooter ? +1 -32

Got to laugh at the G.O.P. again with these so called recess appointees. Just google up how many W had of these and you'll see he had the most of any POTUS by far. Obama is way behind that number. The G.O.P. and the [Frathouse Fishwrap] continue their unheralded (sic) attacks on issues they know nothing about or do any homework on. Just throw as much crap against the wall to see what will stick.

Posted 8 hours ago (( 12/07/2012 09:16 ))

Ad quem responduisset Patricius McTammany

Paddy McTammany will upthumb that one.

As usual, though, there can be no question of complete agreement such as obtains in the typical flock of whight-winged nutbats. "Rugged conformists" the critters call themselves, or somethin like that.

Anyhow, when dining at the WhightGuard Officers Mess, even here in its kitchen or EM Club or whatever this e-outhouse is called, it is far from adequate to point out that neogentry like Mlle. de la Main Invisible (a.k.a. "the B*st*n H*r*ld Editorial Staff") did not honor the assembled company with her freeladyship's Kiddie Konstitution vapors when Richard Bruce, late Vicepotus Cheney, acted for George XLIII in a becominly superimperial fashion.

"Yoo thinks it is OK when Yoo does it" is an impeccable analysis of the Mind of the Wingnut(ette), I admit, but unfortunately it is pretty near useless in practice.

The very last thin Yoo ever does is to let Herself slip into the cheapjack goosey-gander bleedin-heart mindset that such an analysis imposes upon Corrugated Individualism™ without so much as an insincere by-your-leave. At Hooverville, or Rio Limbaugh, or Louisedayhicksville -- insofar as LDHV is a farm team for The Fehrnstrom Fishwrap an B'hessy Staff, fishwraptorialist extraordinaire-- the effective maxim is somethin like "!It is simply no business of anybooby else's what Yoo does!" [*]

All the doins of Yoo, that is, are like that famous superdoin of A. R. 1421-2000-5761 called "Bush v. Gore" -- they settle the immediate controversy, they allow Neocomrade Dealer to take the trick on the table an win the tie (or win the non-tie; whatever), BUT they are not to be adduced ever again as precedent. The Bney/Bno^th Yoo are above precedent.

!Exalted FAR above mere terrestrial precedent are their freelordships! As the late Bishop Warburton profoundly remarked, "We know that all things (in the Yooish history) were extraordinary, and nothing to be brought to example any more than to imitation."

One is not likely to find any operative of the Stooopid Party, even in quarters far tonier that The Fishwrap, expressin the matter as eloquently as his lordship of Gloucester did, but that's pretty much what the kiddies' Freelords an Kiddiemasters would claim for themselves, if they were up to par, bestembrightnesswise. Incidentally, Dr. Warburton scored a preëmptive bull's-eye on the kiddiecons' dearly belovèd "American Exceptiionalism," for plainly what the Kindermeister of America's Otherparty mean when they bark thereof is that it would simply be a waste of time for Lesser Breeds Without to bring the Doins of Yoo "to imitation". Moreover, weaker siblins inside the Yoo Family itself would be wastin their freelordly time attemptin to bring Yooish Self-Exceptionalism to the ever-benighted LBW by way of "example."

In short, the Daughters of Virtue & Sons of Wisdom (LLC) are not bound by anybooby's precedent, NOT EVEN BY THEIR OWN. !Virile ganders indeed are their freelordships!

Whereas we silly geese ought (I guess) either (A) be cooked an served with old-fashioned Precedent Sauce, or maybe just (B) malignly neglected. Kicked out of the kitchen altogether, that is, as soon as Fabulous Fernie Fehrnstrom or the Holy Rovan Empire bouncer b'hoys can russle up enough votes to perform that operation. (No need to hold one's breath just at the moment, though perhaps one might want to check back in the summer of A. R. 1437-2016-5776 .)

B'hessy Staff, an her freeladyship's Employin Corporation, ultimately the very Fearless Funders of Freedumb Themselves, utterly do not give a hoot what R. B. Cheney did or didn’t. "!History is bunk!" an "!!That was then, this is NOW!!" bark the Republicanines.

From outside the mon[k]ey house, though, a noticer may notice that Yoo Family values are not a matter of Nature (DNA an dermography) alone, that Nurture comes in as well to shore up the pious whightist baloney. Especially the H*rv*rd Victory School M. B. A. or "Big-Managerial" subspecies of nurture.

As Eye and Paddy remarked in passing above, the Kiddie Selfservative Movement (KSM) implicitly set up their own Konstitution in place of that bequeathed to the rest of US by Mr. Madison and the Gang of Eighty-Seven. The freelordly an kiddiemagesterial documentoid differs from the real thing mainly by subtraction, and the subtraction is by no means at random. Rather it tends to yank out everythin the mind of the whight-winged nutbat has trouble graspin, notably the Legislative and the Judiciary as original-intented. Since 'tis HVS MBA-think that has nurtured the mind of the whight-winged nutbat, insofar as the latter is intellectually presentable, it cannot possibly be an accident that the Heroes an Role Models of America's Otherparty, the BigManagers, that is, of secret-sector business corporations, never encounter anythin much like a Legislature or a Court in their freelordship's daily wheelin an dealin.

Whereas these freelordships do not merely 'encounter' an executive at ScrogeBank or Warbucks Defense Widget, a sayer can truly say "!Executive 'R' Them!"

Executive 'R' ... all virile whightist ganders simply as such.

Passin laws an then applyin them to particular disputes is pretty wimpy stuff, ?no es verdad? Your REAL redstate-bloody Republicanine prefers, both naturally an nurturally, to leave all that soggy jazz to others. Take Party Neocomrade (fourth grade) Fedguv Senator J. W. DeMint of SC, who happens to be in the news at the moment for havin belatedly noticed that 'tis better to reign over Heritagitarians than serve under a PNC-5 McConnell. (Not to mention under Tio Ruperto de Newscorp y Wallstreet-Jingo)

We ourselves will, very likely, soon be promoting this Neoconfederate freelordship to PNC-3. Unless, that is, HFL DeMint somehow manages to make a total hash of heritagitation an propaganda. Which we hope, rather than expect, will be the case.

Even PNC-2 is not utterly out of the question, eventually, for we are reliably informed that President-Elect DeMint ... introduced 35 bills in this Congress, everything from a National Right to Work Act to a ban on future IMF bailouts for struggling countries. None of his bills became law. He was a marketer, a recruiter—not a legislator. He never pretended otherwise."

That is to say, his freelordship seems never to have been in serious danger of succumbin to LIS, legislative imbecility syndrome. Promotion to PNC-1, however, remains out of the question. To qualify for that exalted rank, or for Tio Ruperto's firstlordly PNC-0, a Party neocomrade must have kept her skirts unspotted by never, ever (NEVER EVER) havin taken a salary or consultin fee or commission or tip from The Wicked State. Your truly top-drawer freeladyship must furthermore not have betrayed the cardinal Yoo Family values ol illiberalism an antidemocracy so shamelessly as to run for electoral office. By doin that, a wingnutette (or wingnut) implicitly recognizes that it may be OK after all to just count votes instead of weighin em carefully in the Scales of Calhoun™.

"Democrat Party" demonocracy is only more icky sauce for silly geese, no better than lettin Union Thugs, even Comrades Alinsky and Nader, participate in the Big Management of the secret-sector business corporation. !Out of the question that anybooby tainted even in the slightest be advanced to the very top of the Whightberg!

President -- ?POTHEF? -- DeMint will sparkle resplendently enough a couple of levels down the toting pole. The kiddiecons, an even their Kiddiemasters, cannot ALL be Adelsons or Murdochs or Aileses or Koch Siblins or . . . .

Or, for that matter, Fabulous Fernie Fehrnstroms. Why, at The Frathouse Fishwrap itself, even, not everybooby can be a Massa Howie; darn few can be even a Rachelle Freifrau von Robichaud-Chabot or "BHEssy Staff."

"Take but DeMint away, untune THAT string, / And, hark, what D'Souza follows! Each thing meets / In mere oppugnancy . . ."

-- an that's just for starters!

Happy days.

[*] It would be a little less clunky to bellow "¡The secrecy of the Secret Sector!" roughly in the rough tone which Comrade Arnold's patients or victims in Culture and Anarchy adopted to go on about themselves, self-considered as embodying "the Protestantism of the Prod Religion."

On the other hand, from a disatance, at least, it looks as if 'secretarianism', so to chrissing it, is one thin an Big Management sensu stricto another. ¿Does a Party Neocomradess become "an executive" simply by virtue of bein in irresponsible an unaccountable control over this or that, even when her freeladyship happens to be utterly uninitiated into the colourblind arts of "Business Administration"?

Further research seems advisable.

(( Concluding unscientific postscript ))
Happy days.