Dear Dr. Bones,
Paddy and Eye just spotted what must be the Pluperfect Warrenite, that is to say, a Blue Blazer in love with the little lady from the Big University
New poll has Warren up 43-38 oceandreams | Sun, Sep 30, 2012 9:06 AM EST "MORE CHEROKEE" JUST SHOOK UP THE RACE. Or not. At least not yet. - promoted by charley-on-the-mta Boston Globe poll conducted by University of NH shows Elizabeth Warren leading Scott Brown 43 to 38. Survey was conducted Sept. 21-27, so this was post-debate for all respondents but NOT post Tomahawk chop video for all respondents. Oddly, the story on calls this within the +/- 4.4% margin of error, even though they’re reporting a 5 percentage point difference. |
A Obama+Brown vote is basically nullification(3+ / 1-) View voters A.) You support President Obama and you like most of his ideas and you would like to see Congress pass legislation he backs. B.) You vote for a guy who wants to obstruct and block most of the legislation at the top of the President’s agenda. So you want your Senator to work to nullify the good stuff the President that you support wants to pass? W.T.F. is the point? tblade @ Sun 30 Sep 10:49 AM |
Tblade,(2+ / 0-) View voters Without thinking it through some voters seem to have a “balance” fetish. They deliberately split their tickets because they consider themselves moderate because they fear our government will lurch too far to the left or right if Democrats or Republicans respectively hold all the power. Unfortunately, recent experience seems to show they might be right about Republicans, but Democrats tend to balance themselves out just fine. This theory of voting also assumes, erroneously these days, that both parties are interested in working together in good faith. Senator Brown has not proven himself to be the cure for this as he is too much a follower and not enough leader. His ad featuring Worcester Councilor Connie Lukes has her saying, “We need more Scott Browns” and theoretically that might work and voters I think long for that. Maybe things would be different if Scott Brown rather than Mitch McConnell were Senate Republican Leader, but alas for better or worse that is not the case. christopher @ Sun 30 Sep 11:59 AM> |
Affect Heuristic(0+ / 0-) View voters I am going to say basically what you said but in a different way. People so strongly want to believe that they are politically “independent” and look down on people who tend to vote across party lines. “I am an independent” > Scott Brown is an independent (his commercials and campaign repeatedly tell me so > I will vote for Scott Brown to prove my independence! > I will vote for both President Obama and Scott Brown to further reinforce in my own mind that I am independent. The funny thing is that these types of “independent” voters seem to the same affect heuristic method that many people who identify as “Democratic” or “Conservative” use to pick their preferred candidates. tblade @ Sun 30 Sep 2:24 PM |
Ad quos responduisset Patricius McTammany
One must hope, no doubt in vain, that "the Defect Heuristic" . . .
(( fold here )) . . . happens whenever the epigones of Herr Prof. Dok. Talcott von Parsons undertake to settle the hash of volks not unlike themselves who get a major kick out of (ostensibly or ostentatiously) not looking down on othervolks. Social Scientism being wertlos, I daresay they can do no other. Possibly, though, ¿They might occasionally stay home and do nothing at all? They could play canasta, perhaps, or charades, on Election Day with some of those self-thwarting heurists. As Eye and Paddy should have expected, but culpably did not, Big LEW is a sucker for gunk like "heuristic affect." Not only do the Learnèd Elders of Wiki manage to expound the grand Begriff without the faintest hint of a snicker, they expound it as if it grows on trees, untouched by human thought. Certainly NOT invented or discovered by anybooby in particular at a particular time or place. "¡No history, please, we are self-scientisers!" We who are not notice with delight (A) that High Prussian is the only other language in which LEW attempts to move this veddy, veddy up-market ideoproduct, and (B) even better, that before the paragraph wherein die Affektheuristik is defined winds, not especially weary, to the sea, the earnest customer has learned that Der Begriff und die grundlegenden Untersuchungen stammen von Paul Slovic. Who turns out to be only a Tert. Ed. Yank, but then, ¿What else could he be, flogging a horse like this one? In any case, those who think in German rather than in HolyHomeland™ic are presumed to be geschichtefähig even by the nerdocracy. As with us Pseltic Tigers in non-academic matters, there is ag reat deal to be said for knowing FOR SURE that one belongs to an inferior subset. Happy days. _____ [1] (( notes )) |
(( Concluding unscientific postscripts ))
Happy days.
Title -- shortlink -- 09/30/2012 16:35 (( should be commented out ))
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