We must not allow ourselves to be terrorized by
(( 特別高等警察 ))
No more Mittster nice guy! It’s time to fight back against Dirty Harry By Howie Carr | Sunday, August 5, 2012 | http://www.bostonherald.com | Columnists Don’t you wish Mitt Romney would take off the gloves? (( ... yimmer ... yammer ... ¡SNIP! )) |
Ad quem respondisset Patricius McTammany
Ah, but what would it be like if Mittius Coriolanus Pompo, Demander of Apologies, Master of Seamus, Fine Fruit of H*rv*d (two counts), Heatthrob of the Ever-Victorious Tee Putty, (&c. &c. &c.) were actually to take strategic advice from Massa Howie? Nothing is less likely to happen, the "My foot, my tutor?" side of this sideshow is overwhelmin’ -- still, what if it DID? Assume, then, that our homes-off [*] former Governor has worked out--had the Freiherr Geheimrat von Fehrnstrom explain to him-- what all the boondocksy trivia is about--"James Curley WHO?" The History Master did not teach Us that name at Cranbrook!" -- what then? (( Probably we’ll stop here so as not to provoke the LDHV Denkpolizei too much. )) Actually you don’t need to assume anythin’, you just need to try to find what "the most expensive murder vehicle on YOUR lot" recommends. Recommends specifically, I mean, recommends that is somethin’ more concrete an’ retaliative than ’Mittens’ just bein’ as NOTNICE as possible anywhichway an opportunity comes down the pike next. Absent, of course, is any hint that Pompo the Magnificent might conceivably condescend to let us plebes and proles have a look at the freeelordly 1040’s. That, Paddy McTammany presumes, would be, in the eyes of Howard Louis (?) Lawrence (??) Carr [**], for the firstlord his master to surrender to Dingy Harry unconditionally. ¡Unthinkable! To be sure, Massa Howie has no more idea of Coriolanus Pompo’s financial situation than anybooby else does whom one might pick at random on the notnice streets of Louisedayhicksville. Considering that HLLC is, as ever, addressin’ the lowest category of freelance Class warriors, not trained troops but a rabble in alarms, ’tis sensible enough that the Kiddiemaster should decide not to confuse his dupes’ and marks’ cute little whight-haired dittopans with any suggestion that Pompo might in fact have somethin’ to hide. That H.E. is hidin’ all that the Senate Majority Leader alleges is improbable. But for the moment at least, the good guys are clearly ahead, as follows: (it sure looks as if) Pompo would do Themselves some sort of unacceptable damage by comin’ transparent, even though Their Highness were in the process to refute Mr. Reid’s well-swiftboated insinuation of not havin’ had even a single penny robbed from Themselves by the evil Fedguv for many, many moons. Sixscore moons, I guess it woud be. Betcha Massa Howie realizes this as clearly as Paddy does myself, and, realizin’, runs all over the Carr lot wavin’ his freelordly arms and bellowin’ random irrelevant baloney [***] to distract the kiddie selfservatives from the real meat and potatoes of the existing correlation of farces. But Hearst knows best. Happy days. ____ [*] For those at Rio Limbaugh: this little attempted McFunny is not about His Excellency’s unmatched record of downshorin’ and offsourcin’ othervolks’ secret-sector business corporations, but only about where H. E. literally dwells. Somewhere out west of Worcester that the yocals call "EVANSVILLE, Ind.," Pompo Themselves orated just yesterday, "“Well, I was raised in Michigan, but I’m really a Massachusetts guy now ... But you know what? I’m an American that loves this country.” WWNN. M. Coriolanus Pompo is echter Heimatlandliebhaber ... unlike Guess Who, exactly? W2N2. Though far from unnice enough to satisfy Massa Howie, that self-exuberance does suggest that at least Pompo is tryin’ to get nastier. [**] Though I know it is hopeless to go on about it with Stonewall Larry (or Louie, as the case may be), yet Paddy Mc.T still wants to see that birth certificate. [***] Though the proverbial "flowers that bloom in the spring" never show up, they are adequately replaced by the Mumbles that Blooms in the Silly Season. |
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