The VFWh, Venerable Funders of Whightism, must find this
Readers’ advice for Brown: Steer clear of rival’s ‘wreckage’ By Todd A. Prussman | Saturday, June 2, 2012 | | Local Politics Best bet for U.S. Sen. Scott Brown this weekend: enjoy the show and don’t get in the way of his biggest challenger’s self-destruction. That’s what Herald readers had to say during yesterday’s Friday Throwdown news chat as Brown’s potential rival.... ((&c. &c.)) |
sort of thing a bit of a nuisance. Just a cut above bein’ panhandled.
However it seems to me that Their Firstlordships have asked for it, as follows:
The original idea of the freelordly organization chart was presumably to make sure nobody (except their freelordships) has all the puppet strings in hand. Senator Fratboy gets his marchin’ orders an’ barkin’ points from the _Oberkommando_, and so do the Jay School fuits (an’ frathouse babes) over to the _Herald_ of Louisedayhicksville, BUT neither gets their MO&BP by way of the other. (It helps, naturally, to this end that the People’s Seat™holder has to spend a lot of time down in Beltway City broodin’ over The Seat lest it catch cold. Also lest their freelordships’ Class interests suffer impairment.)
However, one of their freelordship’s’ journalist scabs at LDHV--probably *not* Party Neocomrade (ninth grade) T. A. Presssman--this same gimmick turned up a couple of days ago--,but somebooby a little hire up the Great Chain of Freedumb--thought she would make an original an’ creative contribution to the Cause of Whighteousness by solemnly consultin’ with the local Tee Putty about what Sen. Fratboy’s MO&BP ought to contain. "After all," the Unknown Freedame must have figgered, "Most of the pious viennasausage from the peanut gallery will at least be pious, even if not actually helpful tactically an’ operationally an’ strategically."
Paddy inclines to guess that genuine helpfulness was never sincerely aimed at, it seems more likely that her freeladyship was, is, lookin’ for a raise. And/or maybe a ticket out of the New Iceland backwoods to the whight lites of Bigcity, where alone Jay School fruits are properly appreciated on the meat-an’-potatoes side. $$$$$.
Now the VFWh ought in principle to sympathize with such a noble self-motivation as I have reconstructed. In fact, though, greed can be a bit of a nuisance to their freelordships when it falls into the hands of the lesser breeds without Class. ScroogeBank I imagine to be rather like the Hapbsburg Empire, in fact, but with "¿But is she greedy for our Class?" replacing Franz Joseph’s "¿But is he a patriot for me?"
Scabs bein’ scabs, one may pretty safely assume that she is not. At best, her freeladyship doesn’t mind too much if their freelordships win far bigger as long as she wins what she has comin’ to her. At not-so-good, she does mind, an’ minds a lot, yet not enough to risk disemployment over it. Especially not in a Crawford-Crash economy, an’ at a time when the bricks-an’-mortar fishwrap is fading away faster than you can say "General of the Armies Douglas MacArthur, Jr."
All of which may undercut the nobility of her freeladyship’s self-motivation a tad, but goes far to make it seem rational.
All the same, it’s gottabe a pain to the Hire-Ups to have their "small people" carry on as if it were just an accident that they do not sit on the VFWh Board of Directors. In this case there is the serious aggravation that her freeladyship’s nifty shtyk consists in goin’ even further down the Great Chain of Freedumb in quest of C.E..O.-level gems of wisdom. "My foot, my tutor" turns into "My toenail, my tutor." As it were.
Now Paddy believes that this quest is mere persiflage from the scab journalist side, that her freeladyship took for granted before sallyin’ forth that any pearls she might pluck from the pigpen were not goin’ta be the real thing. Apart from personal self-advancement, not usually avowable, the Unknown Freedame probably figgered it could not hurt to butter up the swine a little by suggestin’ that maybe they have important contributions to make to the Cause of Whighteousness, intellectual if not financial:
“Sen. Brown can’t get too comfortable,” said Celticwheels, “He needs to keep up the work he’s doing. When the time comes debate Mrs. Warren and then the real fun begins.” |
¿Would anybooby cross the sidewalk to pick up that? Not Paddy or Eye, certainly.
But that pearl is atypical, what mostly catches the Unknown Freedame’s jackdaw eye is rather
“Mainly he just needs to keep clear of the impending wreckage on the campaign trail,” said Petefromwoburn. “Keep himself more or less removed from this and watch his foe self-destruct, with agonizing slowness.” |
There are several variations on that, indicating, I guess, that her freeladyship, too, wishes that Fratboy would just shut up about the Law Squaw.
Not bad advice at all, maybe, but the quality of it is unimportant compared to the violation of HireArchy: ¡It is for the Venerable Funders, not Jay School fruits an’ frathouse babes, let alone Wally Wombschool an’ Cindy from Wasilla, to direct the Fingers of Fehrnstrom! A very general reassurance, once in a (longish) while, that all things which Their Firstlordships command are, ultimately, commanded in response to frathouse demand is probably advisable, but even to pretend to be open to dictation in detail is not merely a sin against the AEIdeology but a practical blunder that could be dangerous.
It occurs to me, Dr. Bones, that the wisest course for the Venerable Funders of Whightism might be for Their Firstlordships to consult, early an’ often an’ above all ostentatiously, with the former
Silent Majority™. That plan elegantly discredits in advance any particular scrap of "dictation in detail" than anybody has ever actually heard mentioned.
Happy days.
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